
Showing posts from October, 2013


The most amazing language of all.Echoing sounds that bring faith to its hearers.Loving tunes that soothes the hear.Tantalizing and impeccable words that cause power to be released. I am talking about tongues,the language of the Spirit.It has no beginning and no end. As you speak, you build up your vocabularly. it is not taught by any man but by the Spirit who is the ultimate teacher. oww how i love to speak in tongues. it ranges from the tongues og man, which are languages known on earth,through the tongues of angels and the unknown tongues that are not heard of. In fact i feel charged up already,how good and pleasant it is.You are edified when you speak in tongues. The devil does not even understand it. It sends shivers to his knees and the entire demonic kingdom and thrown into confusion by it.That is the heavenly language... Do you want to speak in tongues?all you need is a desiring heart.Pray that you may be filled and it will come like the flow of rivers. it will start like w


This is the only element that locates you when everyone is dislocated and disoriented. The only element that causes you to be chosen out of the lot. This is what believers speak about as GRACE. Grace is an honorary degree God imputes on whoever He chooses.It is liberal and void of competition.You don't work to receive grace, for it is a gift of God. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace always moves with faith. You can never be graced if you are faithless. When you are graced, it means you are favored. There are things that your personal connections and strength cannot bring to you. There are places that your degrees cannot take you. There are certain achievements that you cannot attain by your social status, but by grace. People boast when they are elected based on their performances. These cause pride to attack them.if you know that you are where y


It is very easy to hear from God or claim hearing from God,as long as the message favors you.You will never struggle in faith and with your conviction if the message confirms certain promises you happened to receive.However, when the message brings discomfort and uneasiness,you may doubt hearing from God. Most of the time you may ask yourself questions like,"did i truely hear from God?","am isure it is God who is speaking?" Abraham was in a similar situation when God told him to sacrifice his only son,Isaac. Abraham could have doubted the voice.Isaac was the son of promise through which Abraham's descendants will be like the sand at the sea shore.Therefore, this voice was terminating the promise of God,hence it might not have been God's voice. Joshua could have doubted the voice he heard when he was told to go round the walls of Jericho seven times and shout.How on earth can an indestructible wall collapse by a shout? These people and more,in the bible