
Showing posts from November, 2013


The enemy will go all length to see your destruction.He is never content with what he has.All that matters to him is your downfall. Haman became the noblest of all the princes of the land. He was ranked as the number one in the provinces.Haman had everything in life,however,his tatement in Esther 5:13 clearly exposes the intentions of the enemy. What mattered most to Haman was the destruction of Mordecai. Your enemy will buy any idea tat will pin you down,irrespective of how much it will cost him.The enemy will never sleep nor rest till he sees you go down. Never think your competitor has everything so he won't come after your position.Never think she is married so she won't come after your husband.Don't imagine he is your friend so she wants the best for you.Never assume he is employed so he won't come after your job. The eye is never satisfied wit seeing.The bank is never satisfied with money. Even the rich is never satisfied with riches. Herod killed all the b


When i think of this word,i always recall the meaning of favor.These words are synonymous.Remembrance causes one to have favor in life. Mephiboseth was favored when David remembered the goodness which the house of Saul did for him.Joseph was taken out of prison when he was remembered by the cup-bearer of Pharoah. No matter the goodness you do for others, remembrance will cause you to be repaid later in life. Never be discouraged. At the point of annihilation, Mordecai was remembered by King Ahaseurus.That is how God can turn things around for you. God had mercy on th eIsraelites anytime He remembered the covenant He made with Abraham. Remembrance is also a sign of gratitude.Ungrateful people lack remembrance.They don't recall where they were, who helped them to be where they are etc.They are proud because they think they got to where they were by their own might. People without remembrance are disloyal. Remember whoever has been of help to you,either spiritually or physical