
Showing posts from December, 2013


There is a clear-cut difference between what you want and what you need. You can live with or without what you want but what you need is a necessity in your life. The human race didn't want a Messiah, we needed the Messiah. As a human being, you need air to survive. However, the quest of people has being diverted towards their wants. People now seek more of what they want in life than what they need. The desire for material things have put pressure on humanity and that has caused many sorrows. We have placed the first things second and vice versa. In Matthew 6:33, we are admonished to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. That is the priority for living. You need to build a place for your soul in eternity. This is because whether you like it or not, you are going to die. the material things are wants. You were still living when you did not have a car, or that mansion. You were living normally when you did not have any investment. this means that you can still liv