
Showing posts from December, 2018


Have you ever heard the story about the special egg? If not, i will epitomise it for you to have a fair knowledge of the subject. A farmer found a strange egg on his way to the house from the farm. He added the egg to the ones laid by his domestic fowl. After the period of incubation, all the eggs hatched and the farmer got day old chicks. The strange egg ,unknowingly, was that of an eagle. This eaglet remained in the farmers house, went out and came in, in  the company of the chicks. All of them grew up and the eagle still saw itself as a domestic fowl, until it saw its reflection in a water body. Upon seeing how different it was, it began to ask questions. This eagle could not fly beyond the roof of the house because of its perception regarding its identity. one day, it saw a bird flying high in the sky. This bird perch on a tree and the eagle realised they looked alike. From that day, the eagle renounced its identity as a domest


  Life is full of ups and downs. Today, you will be on top but that does not guarantee your position tomorrow. Everyday has its own issues but the greatest of it all is how we react when we face the storms of life. Man has been created unique different from one another. How i will handle a situation is very different from how you will react to the same issue. In the midst of the storm, a lot of ideas come to mind. Some will prefer to run away, others will prefer to stay and fight. While some will prefer to remain calm, others allow their adrenaline to make them react in a hasty manner. The results after any storm is determinant on the reaction of man. Throughout scriptures, we come across various storms of life and how people reacted. We have people in the hall of fame of faith based on how they reacted to the various storms of life.  In this generation, a married couple without a child for ten years see that as a storm. Whether the man will