
Showing posts from August, 2020


Life is full of uncertainties. You can have the goodies it offers but you can never do everything on your own. Whether rich or poor, you will need someone's services in your life. You are strong today and you think you don't need anyone but you don't know what will happen tomorrow. Always assist people when you can because you don't know who will help you tomorrow. Always assist people when you can because life has a funny way of turning things around. You may be the boss today. You may have the power to hire and fire but who knows tomorrow? We are able to predict our current state but not the future. The table can turn at any time. 'Do you know who I am? Do you know what I can do to you? I will never drink water if you were the last drop' are things people say because they are callous. You will need someone tomorrow. The position you are occupying is not permanent. The fact that you replaced someone in that position must give you the indication that you will en