
Showing posts from January, 2017


A farmer, on his way to the house after a hard day´s work, saw an egg by the road side. He immediately picked it up and as hungry as he was, decided to fry it the moment he got home. However, upon second thought, he concluded that he would add the egg to the ones laid by his hen so that he would have an increase in the future. Days went by and the eggs were hatched. Amazingly, the farmer saw that the egg he added was that of an eagle.  The eaglet began feeding with the chicks, flew like a chick, and did everything like a chick. The eaglet grew with the chicks in the same compound. One day, as they went in search of food, they saw a bird flying high in the skies. The eagle asked the fowls, “ what type of bird can fly like that?” One of the fowls replied, “ That is the master of all birds, the eagle. We all know it to be the greatest, strongest and fastest bird to be alive.” The eagle was impressed and told himself, “I wish i was like that bird.”  One day, the eagle was alone b


"When you dream, dream big, as big as the ocean blue..." It does not cost you a dime when you dream big. Nothing is taken away from you when you have higher ambitions in life. Anyone who does not dream does not plan. Out of the multitude of work a dream is established. The more you think about how you want things to be done in your life, the easier you will dream about it. Dreams are conceptions in the heart that speaks to the mind that things are achievable. Never stop dreaming. However, dreaming is not enough. Learn to work towards your dream. You need to work out your dreams before they become realities.. Martin Luther King Jr said,"I have a dream" and it did not end there. He worked it out till the Civil Rights Movement in America became a reality. What have you dreamt of this year? What plans have you made to achieve those dreams? Are you willing to sacrifice your comfort to achieve those dreams? Keep dreaming but that is not enough, work it out till your


The million times things do not go as expected does not make you a failure. It rather teaches you million ways that very thing is done in the wrong way. Always be positive no matter the situation you find yourself. As a door closes, another one surely opens. Failure is only possible when you accept it. You were not born a failure and you must not die as one. Irrespective of the challenges, learn to endure and never give up on your dream.


As a child i was always afraid of darkness. My heart always missed a beat whenever i was left in the dark. I later grew up to face reality that darkness is just the absence of light. Therefore, in as much as i can live in the presence of light, i can likewise live in the dark. This drew my mind on a very important key in life," everything dwells in the mind. The mind is the battlefield. The mind is able to fathom whatever you feed it with. Fear is the absence of boldness, faith, trust, self confidence and believe in one´s abilities. A lot of people are unable to accomplish things in life because of the fear that they may fail. Fear cripples them to the extent that they don´t even make the effort of trying. Others try as much as they can for the first time. However, when they encounter hardships, they quit from believing in their abilities. People have battled and won because of determination. Throughout history, there are people considered as heroes because of their success