A farmer, on his way to the house after a hard day´s work, saw an egg by the road side. He immediately picked it up and as hungry as he was, decided to fry it the moment he got home. However, upon second thought, he concluded that he would add the egg to the ones laid by his hen so that he would have an increase in the future. Days went by and the eggs were hatched. Amazingly, the farmer saw that the egg he added was that of an eagle. 

The eaglet began feeding with the chicks, flew like a chick, and did everything like a chick. The eaglet grew with the chicks in the same compound. One day, as they went in search of food, they saw a bird flying high in the skies. The eagle asked the fowls, “ what type of bird can fly like that?” One of the fowls replied, “ That is the master of all birds, the eagle. We all know it to be the greatest, strongest and fastest bird to be alive.” The eagle was impressed and told himself, “I wish i was like that bird.” 

One day, the eagle was alone beside a river and as he saw his reflection in the river, he found out that he looked different from the other fowls. He began asking himself questions. The more he did, the more he became confused. As he was about to leave the riverside, the eagle saw a bird similar in appearance to him, sitting on a tree. He asked the bird on the tree, “how come you were able to get to that height?” the eagle on the tree rep lie, “it is because i am an eagle like you are, the master of all birds.” The eagle on the ground was amazed upon knowing who he truly was.He became friends with this eagle and he was taught everything an eagle needed to know. He then began his life as an eagle and not a fowl.

A lot of people allow the circumstances surrounding their lives dictate to them. They end up forgetting who they truly are in life. They accept whatever they have been told and think they can never move out to make it great in life. The eagle allowed the circumstances surrounding his birth to make him doubt his potentials. The greatness in him was only realised when another eagle told him.

My dear, the truth is that you can do anything you decide on. There is enough strength within you to achieve anything on this planet. You are more than a conqueror and you have all it takes to make it. Utilise every opportunity that comes your way to cause a breakthrough in your life. You can make an impact the moment you know who you truly are. You were created to bring an impact to lives and change the course of time. You find yourself in this generation because you have something to offer. There is a volcanic eruption of greatness in you that you need to realise and allow it to overflow.

You are a great personality full of ideas and achievements. You have been equipped with all you need to make it in life. You are a rising star that will shine and give light for others to follow. You are a beacon of hope, an inspiration, a mentor and a force to reckon with.
You are too powerful to allow what you have been through to bring you down.

Your true potentials can only be revealed if you have the “can do” attitude. Yes, you can. You can be whoever you want to be and you can do whatever you want to achieve. Let nobody write you off in life. The greatest enemy in your life is your very self. Do not give excuses to why you could not do it. There is always a way out so far as you have the passion and willingness.

You, truly, are a gem.


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