
Showing posts from November, 2017


Throughout the globe, top managerial and strategic levels always have people with the traits of cholerism to manage affairs. I have been to institutions handled by sanguines, melancholies and even people with traits of phlegmatism, but cholerics always stand out when it comes to managerial roles. Cholerics always want to be the boss, they want to dominate and have the final say in everything. It is difficult for them to accept faults. They are always correct and whatever they say must be the final decision. When you ask for her opinion, she wants that to be the final decision you make. The choleric always find it difficult to fall in love because they always want to be on their own. They are their own bosses, they feel they can do everything without any help. To the choleric lady, she does not need your money, nor your wisdom. She has less emotions when it comes to love and always wants to be the boss chick.  The choleric lady always hides her emotions and it takes quite