Image result for choleric face

Throughout the globe, top managerial and strategic levels always have people with the traits of cholerism to manage affairs. I have been to institutions handled by sanguines, melancholies and even people with traits of phlegmatism, but cholerics always stand out when it comes to managerial roles.

Cholerics always want to be the boss, they want to dominate and have the final say in everything. It is difficult for them to accept faults. They are always correct and whatever they say must be the final decision. When you ask for her opinion, she wants that to be the final decision you make. The choleric always find it difficult to fall in love because they always want to be on their own. They are their own bosses, they feel they can do everything without any help. To the choleric lady, she does not need your money, nor your wisdom. She has less emotions when it comes to love and always wants to be the boss chick. 

The choleric lady always hides her emotions and it takes quite a time for her to fall in love. She always wants someone who will openly express love to her. she wants someone who is analytical, a listener and someone who can contribute to her analysis. The choleric lady has a little or no dating experience so it will be difficult for you to see her expression of love. However, when she gets to the level where she expresses her love, she is like a baby in your hands.

The choleric lady does not make many friends. She will always neglect people that she sees not to have a vision with. The moment she sees you not to have the plans that she has envisioned, she will just let you out of her life. The choleric lady always wants to be with someone she feels worthy to share her time with. To her, life is too short to waste precious time.

The choleric lady has a high sexual drive but it is not her style to be sleeping around. She may also have little experience when it comes to sex life because of her few relationships in the past. They find it difficult to sharing their sex life with friends since they are secretive, but they enjoy sex and easily share those experiences with their partners.

The Choleric lady will always analyse everything before she gets involved in it. Right from the food to eat, the place to stay, the choice of dress and everything surrounding her, she will always analyse. The choleric lady is like a coconut, very hard on the outside but soft within. She appears to be very strict, no nonsense and the hard type but underlying these traits is a very emotional and soft personality. People see her always as difficult because it is difficult for her to show her emotions.

She does not want to be forced into socialisation since she wants her own time and space. She is a great leader and has it in her genes to be the leader. Most marriages that have issues with the men complaining about who actually is the head of the family, is as a result of the choleric lady who is not spirit-filled to know that the man must be the head of the home. Majority of choleric ladies have anger issues which always need to be dealt with in order to enjoy their relationships.

She hates to be controlled and told what to do. She sees herself to know her stuff and does not want to be pushed around. To the choleric lady, she always wants to hear nice and sweet things. Words of affirmation is her greater love language.

Though she is bossy and wants to rule, she also has sweetness within, She wants the right things done and will always ensure that the best is achieved. She is a perfectionist and will always push her partner to do better all the time. The Choleric lady always brings out the best in her partner and always pushes her partner to achieve more. To her, there is always a room for improvement but there is no room for idling.

Know her strengths and weaknesses and you will be always guided in making the right choice.


  1. Wow! I think part of this fits my personality. Thanks for the advice on how to handle ourselves in relationships


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