
Showing posts from December, 2017
                                                               THE TURN-AROUND EFFECT I have seen fortunes made overnight and periods of poverty ending overnight. i have encountered people who had nothing but received particular encounters for their stories to change. There is an expiry date to every problem and every issue in life. Irrespective of how bad life can be and how things become impossible, there is always a turn-around for you.  Throughout scriptures, there is a clear depiction of how the favour of God turned things around in the lives of people. All these encounters must give you hope that God is not done with you yet. So far as you have not traded your believe for anything, have the assurance that God is not done with you yet. Now, let us dive into the encounters of individuals for you to know that your issue is not the first. RAHAB: This lady was a famous prostitute in Jericho. Both indigenes and foreigners knew her for her expertise in her profession