I have seen fortunes made overnight and periods of poverty ending overnight. i have encountered people who had nothing but received particular encounters for their stories to change. There is an expiry date to every problem and every issue in life. Irrespective of how bad life can be and how things become impossible, there is always a turn-around for you. 

Throughout scriptures, there is a clear depiction of how the favour of God turned things around in the lives of people. All these encounters must give you hope that God is not done with you yet. So far as you have not traded your believe for anything, have the assurance that God is not done with you yet. Now, let us dive into the encounters of individuals for you to know that your issue is not the first.

RAHAB: This lady was a famous prostitute in Jericho. Both indigenes and foreigners knew her for her expertise in her profession. It was possible that she entered that profession because of the hardships she went through in life. However, she had a faith that the men of Jericho did not. Rahab believed in the God of the Israelites and hid the spies when the men of Jericho wanted to kill them. This was a day´s encounter, and God used that to turn things around. Rahab, the prostitute, was used as the lineage from which the Messiah was to come from. Irrespective of how sinful you are, it is never too late for God to turn things around only if you believe. Your friends may think you are not spiritual enough and because of that you cannot even get a good marriage. My dear, it is the grace that will make you accomplish that race. With that favour, you will not labour. The Lord still has need of you. Joshua 2:1-3

DAVID: This shepherd boy had a low birth. His family was not even recognised in Israel. Even amongst his brothers, he was despised.The young man catered for a small flock in the bush even whiles his counterparts were being trained in the school of the prophets and other professions. However, when God sought for a king, He used David for exploits. David had a gift and that was what God used to expose him. You might be having a gift but not exposed yet. Don´t worry at all for God will turn things around so far as you remain faithful. Your family may not even take you serious because they believe you have nothing to offer. I know a God who will turn things around. David´s father did not even remember David when it was time for Samuel to anoint a king from the family but God had a purpose for that young shepherd. 1 Samuel 16:11

FROM SCARCITY TO ABUNDANCE: There was a great famine in the land of Samaria that even made human flesh a sumptuous meal for mothers. This famine wiped away the goodness of the land to the extent that the faecal drops of doves was sold as food. The prophet Elisha made a declaration for abundance the following day and it happened as a greater breakthrough to the extent that the years of famine were forgotten. No matter how life has treated you and no matter how things seem impossible, there is a turn around moment for you. He is the God of possibilities and His timings are different from ours. There is more hope so far as you are alive. 2 Kings 6,7.

PAUL: This man in the early parts of the church was a crusader who took upon himself to fast track the killings of the apostles. He was well known and feared among the christian community. His passion for the true God was from a wrong source and God turned him around to follow the true light. You may be doing things that you believe are scriptural and christian-like. Maybe it is for the right course but your approach might be wrong. Just like Paul, your story can turn around on your way to Damascus. Acts 9:3-7

THE WOMAN WITH THE ISSUE OF BLOOD: Sickness is never a good thing. This woman sold all she had to get a solution to her predicament. Doctors disappointed her, likewise spiritualists. She heard of Christ passing by and had faith to touch the hem of His garment. Christ was not on His way to heal this woman but the faith of the woman caused the infirmity and shame that she had lived with for twelve years to vanish. Your sickness is not a new thing. That pain is not new to Christ for there is nothing new under the sun. If you will have faith to touch His garments today, you will receive your healing today. Matthew 5:25-30

Time will not allow me to talk about how the barren bore twins, the weak fought nations and won and how the accursed became blessed. There is still power in the preaching of the cross. An orphan became queen because of the turn-around effect. A fisherman became a well known Apostle and mover of the gospel. God is still in the miracle business, for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. I pray today that you receive a turn around in every aspect of your life. in your marriage, business, profession, ministry, health, finances, trip and dreams. May God come to your aid today.


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