
Showing posts from January, 2018
THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Have you ever asked why some people are successful whiles others are not? Why do people make it in life whiles others fail? Is it by destiny or from a curse? There are numerous people who attribute their failures to curses.  It is possible but if the curse is even broken and you still have a certain mindset, you will never make it. Today, i want you to go through certain principles so far as you don't want to fail. 1. Identify your call in life. If you know that you are a prince, you will always know your rights. You don't waste time on unnecessary  tasks if you know what you have been called to do. Sampson didn't waste time chasing sheep. Joseph did not waste his time with the flock of his father. They all knew what they were called to be. Aaron knew his call to ministry and that was what he pursued, likewise Samuel. Jack Ma tried to be somebody that he was called not to. The moment ge identified his call, he is now among the richest folks in t