Have you ever asked why some people are successful whiles others are not? Why do people make it in life whiles others fail? Is it by destiny or from a curse? There are numerous people who attribute their failures to curses.  It is possible but if the curse is even broken and you still have a certain mindset, you will never make it. Today, i want you to go through certain principles so far as you don't want to fail.

1. Identify your call in life.
If you know that you are a prince, you will always know your rights. You don't waste time on unnecessary  tasks if you know what you have been called to do. Sampson didn't waste time chasing sheep. Joseph did not waste his time with the flock of his father. They all knew what they were called to be. Aaron knew his call to ministry and that was what he pursued, likewise Samuel. Jack Ma tried to be somebody that he was called not to. The moment ge identified his call, he is now among the richest folks in the world. Bill Gates stopped schooling at a point to concentrate on what he believed in. Identify your call and you will see the light.

2. Never run away from your call. Exodus 2:15
A lot of people fail in life because they always run away from their call. That is the beginning of their confusion. There is no waste of time if you stick to your call. Those who run away always have a bitter experience. Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale. Moses ended up at the backside of the desert. People have all money can buy but still live an unfulfilled life because they are out of their call. You may be doing well before the eyes of the public, but if there is no inner satisfaction, then it means there is something wrong.

3. Believe in yourself.
Believing in yourself is the winning factor. No matter the Goliath you face, you will win so far as you see yourself as the David. Know who you are.

4. Believe in the one that called you. Psalm 23:4
Our biggest mistake is ruling out God from our quests i n life. He is the master builder, the architect who knows the type of building to erect. He is the quantity surveyor who knows the materials you will need. He is the geologist who knows that type of rock to build on. You rule Him out and you ruin your life.

5. Stop thinking about what others will say. Numbers 13:30
What others say have the power to break you down but you have the power to flush it out. You decide the outcome of the stones others throw at you. Yes, you can choose to be buried with it or to use it as a foundation to build. Caleb and Joshua didn't allow what the other spies say to drown them. Moses began to think about what others will say. Exodus 4:1. You will always have an excuse for not doing something if you think of what people will say.

6. Stop giving excuses. Exodus 4:1,10
Failure is a choice, it is not as a result of anyone's fault. Don't say you have failed because you didn't get rich parents because people with that problem have succeeded. Never attribute your failure to the government because some people are alsi doing well under the same government. Adam gave an excuse for falling, Eve continued but the serpent didn't have anyone to blame.

7. There is always a covenant brother. Exodus 4:14-16; Numbers 11:16-17
You cannot execute your task alone. God created Adam but thought it wise to make Eve. God connected David to Jonathan. God made sure Moses' burden was shared amongst seventy elders. Locate yiur covenant brother  and you will make it. Yes, you need a team because Together Everyone Achieves More.

8. Decide to succeed.
Success is a decision. Decide on doing it. Decide that you will not allow any thing to bring you down. Moses saw results when he decided to do what God wanted him to accomplish. Determination is the fuel that drives the car called success.

9. God takes care of your fears. Exodus 4:19
Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt because of his Pharoah, not knowing God had already taken care of them. Never allow any Pharoah in your past to scare you from your future. That Pharoah has already been taken care of.

10. Never give up when you fail the first time. Exodus 4:21
There will always be opposition but don't quit. Try again when you fail. God told Moses not to give up if Pharoah does not allow His people to go.  Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC began life at the age of sixty though others retire at that age.  Thomas Edison never gave up on his inventions and he said.
"Many of life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"
" Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

When he was asked whether he had failed after trying on countless occasion to invent the electric bulb, he said, " i have not failed, i have just found 10, 000 ways that won't work."
Have you ever asked why some people are successful whiles others are not? Why do people make it in life whiles others fail? Is it by destiny or from a curse? There are numerous people who attribute their failures to curses.  It is possible but if the curse is even broken and you still have a certain mindset, you will never make it. Today, i want you to go through certain principles so far as you don't want to fail.

1. Identify your call in life.
If you know that you are a prince, you will always know your rights. You don't waste time on unnecessary  tasks if you know what you have been called to do. Sampson didn't waste time chasing sheep. Joseph did not waste his time with the flock of his father. They all knew what they were called to be. Aaron knew his call to ministry and that was what he pursued, likewise Samuel. Jack Ma tried to be somebody that he was called not to. The moment ge identified his call, he is now among the richest folks in the world. Bill Gates stopped schooling at a point to concentrate on what he believed in. Identify your call and you will see the light.

2. Never run away from your call. Exodus 2:15
A lot of people fail in life because they always run away from their call. That is the beginning of their confusion. There is no waste of time if you stick to your call. Those who run away always have a bitter experience. Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale. Moses ended up at the backside of the desert. People have all money can buy but still live an unfulfilled life because they are out of their call. You may be doing well before the eyes of the public, but if there is no inner satisfaction, then it means there is something wrong.

3. Believe in yourself.
Believing in yourself is the winning factor. No matter the Goliath you face, you will win so far as you see yourself as the David. Know who you are.

4. Believe in the one that called you. Psalm 23:4
Our biggest mistake is ruling out God from our quests i n life. He is the master builder, the architect who knows the type of building to erect. He is the quantity surveyor who knows the materials you will need. He is the geologist who knows that type of rock to build on. You rule Him out and you ruin your life.

5. Stop thinking about what others will say. Numbers 13:30
What others say have the power to break you down but you have the power to flush it out. You decide the outcome of the stones others throw at you. Yes, you can choose to be buried with it or to use it as a foundation to build. Caleb and Joshua didn't allow what the other spies say to drown them. Moses began to think about what others will say. Exodus 4:1. You will always have an excuse for not doing something if you think of what people will say.

6. Stop giving excuses. Exodus 4:1,10
Failure is a choice, it is not as a result of anyone's fault. Don't say you have failed because you didn't get rich parents because people with that problem have succeeded. Never attribute your failure to the government because some people are alsi doing well under the same government. Adam gave an excuse for falling, Eve continued but the serpent didn't have anyone to blame.

7. There is always a covenant brother. Exodus 4:14-16; Numbers 11:16-17
You cannot execute your task alone. God created Adam but thought it wise to make Eve. God connected David to Jonathan. God made sure Moses' burden was shared amongst seventy elders. Locate yiur covenant brother  and you will make it. Yes, you need a team because Together Everyone Achieves More.

8. Decide to succeed.
Success is a decision. Decide on doing it. Decide that you will not allow any thing to bring you down. Moses saw results when he decided to do what God wanted him to accomplish. Determination is the fuel that drives the car called success.

9. God takes care of your fears. Exodus 4:19
Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt because of his Pharoah, not knowing God had already taken care of them. Never allow any Pharoah in your past to scare you from your future. That Pharoah has already been taken care of.

10. Never give up when you fail the first time. Exodus 4:21
There will always be opposition but don't quit. Try again when you fail. God told Moses not to give up if Pharoah does not allow His people to go.  Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC began life at the age of sixty though others retire at that age.  Thomas Edison never gave up on his inventions and he said.
"Many of life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"
" Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

When he was asked whether he had failed after trying on countless occasion to invent the electric bulb, he said, " i have not failed, i have just found 10, 000 ways that won't work."
Have you ever asked why some people are successful whiles others are not? Why do people make it in life whiles others fail? Is it by destiny or from a curse? There are numerous people who attribute their failures to curses.  It is possible but if the curse is even broken and you still have a certain mindset, you will never make it. Today, i want you to go through certain principles so far as you don't want to fail.

1. Identify your call in life.
If you know that you are a prince, you will always know your rights. You don't waste time on unnecessary  tasks if you know what you have been called to do. Sampson didn't waste time chasing sheep. Joseph did not waste his time with the flock of his father. They all knew what they were called to be. Aaron knew his call to ministry and that was what he pursued, likewise Samuel. Jack Ma tried to be somebody that he was called not to. The moment ge identified his call, he is now among the richest folks in the world. Bill Gates stopped schooling at a point to concentrate on what he believed in. Identify your call and you will see the light.

2. Never run away from your call. Exodus 2:15
A lot of people fail in life because they always run away from their call. That is the beginning of their confusion. There is no waste of time if you stick to your call. Those who run away always have a bitter experience. Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale. Moses ended up at the backside of the desert. People have all money can buy but still live an unfulfilled life because they are out of their call. You may be doing well before the eyes of the public, but if there is no inner satisfaction, then it means there is something wrong.

3. Believe in yourself.
Believing in yourself is the winning factor. No matter the Goliath you face, you will win so far as you see yourself as the David. Know who you are.

4. Believe in the one that called you. Psalm 23:4
Our biggest mistake is ruling out God from our quests i n life. He is the master builder, the architect who knows the type of building to erect. He is the quantity surveyor who knows the materials you will need. He is the geologist who knows that type of rock to build on. You rule Him out and you ruin your life.

5. Stop thinking about what others will say. Numbers 13:30
What others say have the power to break you down but you have the power to flush it out. You decide the outcome of the stones others throw at you. Yes, you can choose to be buried with it or to use it as a foundation to build. Caleb and Joshua didn't allow what the other spies say to drown them. Moses began to think about what others will say. Exodus 4:1. You will always have an excuse for not doing something if you think of what people will say.

6. Stop giving excuses. Exodus 4:1,10
Failure is a choice, it is not as a result of anyone's fault. Don't say you have failed because you didn't get rich parents because people with that problem have succeeded. Never attribute your failure to the government because some people are alsi doing well under the same government. Adam gave an excuse for falling, Eve continued but the serpent didn't have anyone to blame.

7. There is always a covenant brother. Exodus 4:14-16; Numbers 11:16-17
You cannot execute your task alone. God created Adam but thought it wise to make Eve. God connected David to Jonathan. God made sure Moses' burden was shared amongst seventy elders. Locate yiur covenant brother  and you will make it. Yes, you need a team because Together Everyone Achieves More.

8. Decide to succeed.
Success is a decision. Decide on doing it. Decide that you will not allow any thing to bring you down. Moses saw results when he decided to do what God wanted him to accomplish. Determination is the fuel that drives the car called success.

9. God takes care of your fears. Exodus 4:19
Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt because of his Pharoah, not knowing God had already taken care of them. Never allow any Pharoah in your past to scare you from your future. That Pharoah has already been taken care of.

10. Never give up when you fail the first time. Exodus 4:21
There will always be opposition but don't quit. Try again when you fail. God told Moses not to give up if Pharoah does not allow His people to go.  Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC began life at the age of sixty though others retire at that age.  Thomas Edison never gave up on his inventions and he said.
"Many of life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"
" Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

When he was asked whether he had failed after trying on countless occasion to invent the electric bulb, he said, " i have not failed, i have just found 10, 000 ways that won't work."


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