
Showing posts from August, 2018


It is never dangerous when you don’t have money in your account, neither is it dangerous to be rejected once or twice in life. Every one in his or her life will at least face challenges that will make him or her better. Problems are encountered on the way, first as means to make you matured and reason beyond your strength. Secondly, you encounter problems or challenges in life to bring out the best in you. The most dangerous thing that we always forget to avoid is SHORTCUTS. Yes, every tom, dick and harry wants to be rich in this life. People want to enjoy relationships they have not built. Others want to usurp authority and position that they have not be trained or worked for. This canker is spreading at a very fast rate and crushing the lives of many. You can never flourish at a place that you have not been prepared for. Nothing comes easy in life. People believe in luck, but i bet to differ. Luck is only when preparation meets expectation. The moment you prepar


´´Thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noon day.``Psalm 91:5 A lot of people are extremely afraid of the powers of darkness. the devil capitalises on their fears and works against them all the time. In the night, there are people who are even afraid of their shadows. Fear is killing many Christians more than what genocide or ethnic cleansing has done. The enemy always capitalises on our lack of knowledge and attacks us .This is what God wants you to avoid. Never live your life with fear, because it gives the chance for the devil to attack you. Do not be afraid of the unknown. Tomorrow will cater for itself, provided you place it in God´s hand. People are extremely afraid about their future because they have not placed it in the hands of God. If your future is in the hands of your boss, your father or


Whoever you are is determined by how well you face challenges that come your way. Every challenge you face can only be overcome based on how prepared you are. The things you go thorough in life gives you experience. The experience brings out how prepared you are and how well you handle situations. In your walk in life, God will never allow things you cannot handle to come your way. The fact that you are facing that challenge is a sign that you can overcome it. ´´There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man:but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.``1 Corinthians 10:13 God will never expose you to what you are not prepared for. The walk in Christianity, though a walk of faith, takes into consideration your level of growth that aligns with the trial you face. Your preparation determines how well you can handle trials.


God´s people enjoyed life in Egypt during the reign of Joseph,as second in command. When the Pharaoh of Joseph´s generation died, together with the entire generation of Joseph, there arose a Pharaoh who did not know of the history of Joseph and God´s people. Exodus 1:8. This Pharaoh was disturbed concerning the vast number of the israelites and therefore used his wicked intentions to bring up decrees to suppress the Children of God.  This happens in everyday life: at the work place and anywhere you can find yourself. There are times that you really enjoy life and work relationship under the leadership of a particular person and all of a sudden, things change the moment a new person heads the department. This person begins to implement certain rules that will always not favour you. That person will hate you for no reason and will always bring up rules to victimise you.  Your Pharaoh is at work if this scenario applies to you.You have to have this assurance that,