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´´Thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noon day.``Psalm 91:5

A lot of people are extremely afraid of the powers of darkness. the devil capitalises on their fears and works against them all the time. In the night, there are people who are even afraid of their shadows. Fear is killing many Christians more than what genocide or ethnic cleansing has done. The enemy always capitalises on our lack of knowledge and attacks us .This is what God wants you to avoid. Never live your life with fear, because it gives the chance for the devil to attack you. Do not be afraid of the unknown. Tomorrow will cater for itself, provided you place it in God´s hand. People are extremely afraid about their future because they have not placed it in the hands of God. If your future is in the hands of your boss, your father or even your spiritual father, then i am afraid to say they will disappoint you. The person you have trusted with your future also depends on God for how his future will turn out. Why then must you trust him with yours?

The arrows that flieth during the day are attacks of the enemy that hit us unawares because you are too busy. As man goes on with his normal duties during the day, he becomes unconscious of the spiritual world, as he concentrates on making ends meet for the family. This is when the enemy also attacks the most. He throws arrows of stress, pain, disappointment, betrayal, diseases, attacks and all you can imagine. These arrows may be in the form of frustrations, annoyance and hatred. The arrows cause you never to be content with what you have. They cause you to find more of the world instead of God. You should not be afraid of this too provided you place every day into the hands of God.

The pestilence in darkness are the things that creep into our lives and affect people around us. If you are the breadwinner of the family and your life is cut short, you can imagine the number of people who will be affected. Losing your job does not affect only you;that is pestilence. Pestilence causes you to die prematurely so that others will suffer. Many people have been targeted because the enemy does not want some future presidents, architects, lawyers, prophets, doctors etc to make it in life. That is the pestilence you should not be afraid of ,if you abide under the shadows of the almighty.

$Destruction means causing so much damage to something to the extent that it cannot be repaired. The enemy´s intent is always to discredit you. Yes, he intends tarnishing your image for good. He will always plan to destroy your self esteem so that you even give up on yourself. Always have it in mind that, the first step to failure is giving up on yourself. This is what the enemy is always good at. He will destroy you with accusations, bitterness, frame ups etc. He intends to publish false accusations, just to make you lose your name.

The only cure to all these fears that always attack man is to dwell in the secret place of the most high and abide under His shadows. Know him for yourself. He doesn’t expect a master-servant relationship, He is your father.


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