
Showing posts from October, 2016


From afar it always comes near From delusions they become realities Out of the conceptions in the mind they come forth Dreams,you may call them How good are you as a dreamer?How better are you as a planner?How best are you as an achiever? A lot of people are good at dreaming  because it doesn’t cost them a dime. Few people are good at planning because it takes their time Very few  are good in achieving those dreams because both time and energy are taken It is not enough to dream…PLAN It is not enough to plan…ACHIEVE It is not even enough to achieve…IMPART The greatest memorial you can leave behind is to impart into the lives of others that will cause a transformation in their lives. Better to leave a legacy of impartation than a thousand houses Let us not only dream,let us PLAN Let us not only plan,let us ACHIEVE Let us not only achieve,let us IMPART


Excuses are always given to justify reasons for not accomplishing certain tasks. There are always hundred and one reasons for not doing something. However, we mostly fail to accept that whatever we do is based on choices. Every opportunity in life presents itself with alternatives. it is either you choose to do the right thing or the opposite. If we get this concept in life, we will never give excuses. The meteorologist predicted that there would be scarcity of rain this season.Two farmers in the same town, working on the same land made their choices. one did not leave it to chance and planted whiles the other decided to stick to the weather forecast. the rain delayed in coming but when it came you can guess who benefited. It is your choice to live or die. It is your choice to quit or continue trying. The great men of this generation did not live their lives based on excuses. for you to succeed you have to accept responsibilities for your actions. Giving excuses always will make yo


As a child  i was always afraid of the dark. my heart always pumped faster than a pumping machine whenever i was left alone in darkness. I later grew up to realise that darkness is just the absence of light. So in a smuch as i can live in the presence of light, i can also live in darkness. This drew my attention on a very vital key in life,everything dwells in the mind.The mind is able to fathom whatever you feed it with. Fear in life is the absence of boldness, faith, trust, self confidence and believe in ones abilities. A lot of people are unable to accomplish things in life because of the fear of failure. Fear cripples them to the extent that they don’t even make the effort of trying. Others try as much as they can for the first time. However, they quit believing in their own abilities when they encounter failures. People have battled and won because of determination. Throughout history, there are many people we consider as heroes because of their success stories. They live


No one in this world will be the source of your happiness.Your happiness depends on you and no one else. Throughout life, a lot of people have committed suicide because of lack of happiness. In life,who you are depends on what you have agreed to be. I have always seen this theory,make yourself happy and do not depend on others for your happiness. WAYS OF LIVING A HAPPY LIFE Identify what makes you happy. there are people who can fuel your desires of being happy. the presence of some things in your life can catalyse your happiness. it may be an individual, an entertainment package or a material thing.Know the specific thing to make you happy and when you find that thing,never let it go. Guide it with everything you have so that you will never lose it. Forgive easily and never harbour bitterness in you. The one you are angry at may even not know and will never be disturbed..However, you will end up always hurting yourself. It is like planning to kill a housefly who just