As a child  i was always afraid of the dark. my heart always pumped faster than a pumping machine whenever i was left alone in darkness. I later grew up to realise that darkness is just the absence of light. So in a smuch as i can live in the presence of light, i can also live in darkness.
This drew my attention on a very vital key in life,everything dwells in the mind.The mind is able to fathom whatever you feed it with. Fear in life is the absence of boldness, faith, trust, self confidence and believe in ones abilities.
A lot of people are unable to accomplish things in life because of the fear of failure. Fear cripples them to the extent that they don’t even make the effort of trying. Others try as much as they can for the first time. However, they quit believing in their own abilities when they encounter failures.
People have battled and won because of determination. Throughout history, there are many people we consider as heroes because of their success stories. They live their lives as normal people but took greater efforts to overcoming their fears.Let us learn from these characters.
People like Bill Gates,Thomas Edison,Oprah Winfrey,Nelson Mandela, Henry Ford, Colonel Sanders, Walt Disney etc lived through periods of set backs, disappointments and embarrassment. Their peers mocked them, their counterparts embarrassed them whiles their mentors did not believe in them. Others never wanted to even associate themselves with them.At the long round, the tables turned.The Sauls in life became Pauls.
The fact that you have been classified as a loser does not mean you are one.The fact that you haven’t made it does not mean you will not make it.You don’t need the entire world to believe in you before you can make change.Try it and when you fail, try again and again and again, till you get it right.
Thomas Edison was aced if he felt like a failure and if he should give up, after having gone through over 9000 failed attempts. He replied”why would i feel like a failure?And why would i ever give up?I now know definitely over 9000 ways an electric lightbulb will not work.Success is almost in my grasp.”
i have come across people who have good talents and great ideas. These people were however afraid to showcase their talents to the world. they never wanted to try out their talents because of the fear of failing.
the fact that there are others in the limelight who are doing what you are gifted with does not mean you won´t shine. We were created with unique gifts.
Fear prevents us from getting to the top of the mountain because we are afraid to fall. Fear prevents us from walking through the dark because of the fear of demons.Fear prevents us from diving because we are scared to drown. However,on top of the mountain is the grapes and fine fruits. Deep within the dark is the rarest minerals the world can ever boast of.Buried in the sea bed is the crude. How can you get these best things in life if you are afraid?
Our greatest fear now is our very shadows... 


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