
Showing posts from September, 2017


It is always good to know whom you are with, so that you will be able to understand her. Ladies should also know the temperament they have so that they will know how to react and their general weaknesses. There was a day that i went to church and after being in the church for few weeks, i always saw a lady, full of smiles and happiness. This lady was always high-spirited from afar so far as she sang. However, i noticed one thing, if she was not singing on stage then you would see her as the quietest person on the pews. I identified her as a person who loved music but very reserved. She did not have a lot of friends and was very choosy when it came to choice of dress to wear, what to eat, and even whom to talk to. There was no doubt that she was a melancholic.  God in his divine wisdom graced the melancholies with musical talents. Unlike the sanguine who will not have the voice to sing but will sing anyway, melancholies are gifted when it comes to music. They have passion for son


Man is always attracted to whatever he sees and it is very rare for a man to base his choices on intrinsic qualities the first time he meets a lady. Every man is first attracted to what he sees before he moves on to confirm the character of the lady. On several occasions we let go of certain basic things and concentrate on things that are time bound. The first time you meet a lady, you get so much into her and you have your mind crowded with perceptions of how you want to take her home because of her beauty. Others get attracted to the job of the lady and her qualifications, whiles many also take into consideration her financial status. All these are vital in the choice of a woman but the basics that we must look out for is the temperament . This week, i will focus on the four temperaments and go into details for all and sundry to know how ladies with these traits behave. This is not all but will serve as a guide. Before i commence this series, have it in mind that love is a de