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It is always good to know whom you are with, so that you will be able to understand her. Ladies should also know the temperament they have so that they will know how to react and their general weaknesses. There was a day that i went to church and after being in the church for few weeks, i always saw a lady, full of smiles and happiness. This lady was always high-spirited from afar so far as she sang. However, i noticed one thing, if she was not singing on stage then you would see her as the quietest person on the pews. I identified her as a person who loved music but very reserved. She did not have a lot of friends and was very choosy when it came to choice of dress to wear, what to eat, and even whom to talk to. There was no doubt that she was a melancholic.

 God in his divine wisdom graced the melancholies with musical talents. Unlike the sanguine who will not have the voice to sing but will sing anyway, melancholies are gifted when it comes to music. They have passion for songs and have the passion for playing instruments too. The melancholic lady is mostly seen in the choir at church, in music classes or always with earpiece in her ears just for the love of songs.

 The melancholic lady is very reserved and will not approach you unless you do so. She will make conversations difficult for you because you may feel that you are talking to yourself. She does not love to mingle freely as the sanguine does. She loves to keep to herself and very secretive. The melancholic lady is very emotional and keeps things to heart easily. Hurting a melancholic lady will always be in her mind and it will be difficult for her to forgive you and even if she does, never think she will forget.

 The melancholic lady easily switches mood and it is very difficult to convince her when it comes to love issues. To her, what she believes in is what is the truth. The moment she establishes an impression about you, that is it. It will take centuries for that impression she has to be erased. The melancholic lady always finds meanings to everything that happens around her. She always has a reason for why she wears a blue dress today or white. The mood she is in determines the dress she will wear. The melancholic lady is a perfectionist. She always wants things to be done in a certain way. She always holds herself in high standards and mostly morose when those standards are not met. It is very difficult for the melancholic lady to give her trust to you and that trust will never be regained if you lose it. She pays attention to every little details and can always remember even the little things and where she saw, touched or encountered them even after twenty years. The melancholic lady is over analytical and good at debate. They always want facts and believe that there is a reason for everything. The melancholic lady is always good at professions like law, analytical roles, logicians, programming etc.

 The melancholic lady responds poorly to compliments. She is always not satisfied with what she has done. If she cooks for you and you applaud her for a good meal, she will still think she could have done better. It is very difficult to please them and when you finally do, you will always find them sticking to you. As the sanguineous lady loves to spend more time with you, the melancholic lady loves to spend more time alone. However, once she trusts you and chooses you to be close, she is very free to chat with you and also fun to be with. This makes her prone to depression.

The melancholic lady does not appreciate herself. She does not see that she is beautiful or good at something. She looks down on herself most often. Melancholies are known for their mood swings. It is very easy for them as the alphabets are easy for children. The least thing can make her happy, and in few minutes you will see her sad. They are easily hurt especially by words so you must really choose your words very well when it comes to dealing with the melancholic lady. One trait you can never take away from the melancholic lady is her neatness and orderliness. It is easier to know the temperament of a person the moment you enter her home. The sanguine will be seen to have a scattered home mostly, with things lying around but that is not the case of the melancholic. You will see things well arranged, based on colour, size and even shape. They stick to their decisions and are able to follow through to the end.

The melancholic lady is a good teacher. As the sanguine easily loses focus, that is not the trait of the melancholic. She is always good at tasks that are prolonged. She is the patient type and is good at things that require repetition and attention. This makes her excellent in management and administration. The melancholic lady is a good mother. The melancholic lady is seen to be frugal and most at times, their frugality is seen as stinginess. She also thinks a lot and mostly lives in the decisions she made in the past and it is difficult for her to forego the past. The melancholic lady approaches relationship seriously because it is difficult to win her heart but when that is done, it is very difficult for her to let you go. She is the moody type and it is expected of the guy to always know how she reacts to things in order to make the relationship a better one.

 The melancholic lady lives in fear of what might go wrong even when everything looks okay. She is full of fear and always anticipating for the worse. She always loves to remain in her shadows and does not want to be seen, unlike the sanguine that wants the whole world to know of her presence. The list goes on but finally the melancholic lady is like a coconut, very hard on the outside but soft and sweeter inside. You can reach her heart but you need more work to convince her that you are not a threat to her emotions and ideas.


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