Man is always attracted to whatever he sees and it is very rare for a man to base his choices on intrinsic qualities the first time he meets a lady. Every man is first attracted to what he sees before he moves on to confirm the character of the lady. On several occasions we let go of certain basic things and concentrate on things that are time bound. The first time you meet a lady, you get so much into her and you have your mind crowded with perceptions of how you want to take her home because of her beauty. Others get attracted to the job of the lady and her qualifications, whiles many also take into consideration her financial status. All these are vital in the choice of a woman but the basics that we must look out for is the temperament . This week, i will focus on the four temperaments and go into details for all and sundry to know how ladies with these traits behave. This is not all but will serve as a guide. Before i commence this series, have it in mind that love is a decision and not based on feelings. How you feel towards her can be the same with different ladies, so if you base your love on feelings you will find out that you will love more than one lady at a time. the decision you make to love someone makes you stick to her even when you meet a prettier damsel. Generally, sanguines are the lively, outgoing, fun to be with and people who are always gay. The sanguineous lady loves to be surrounded by people all the time. She always has something to say. She is known to be a talker but not a listener. The sanguineous lady is tipped as one who cannot keep secrets but it is not always the case. She loves attention and enjoys friendship. She wants to stand out in the crowd at all times. At the party, she dances for all to see that she is good, at church she wants to sing for the heavens to comes down and has delight in performing. The sanguineous lady easily makes friends and can keep friends for a long time. She loves things that are popular and trending and wants to be remembered for a particular fever. The sanguineous lady has the ability to easily convince people. The few moments you spend with her looks like you have known her for ages. She is fun-loving and fun to be with. The sanguineous lady is emotional but she is quick to forgive and forget. She lives in the moment and not in the past. Irrespective of the fact that she is fun to be with, she can ignore the nonsense for long but when the cup becomes full, her reaction is like an explosion. She has the heart of compassion for people and easily trust people. this makes her vulnerable to easily get hurt from disappointments. The sanguineous lady has physical touch and quality time as her love languages. She likes to be held and touched all the time. She likes to spend time with the ones she loves. She wants to hear something all the times. She likes to be surprised. The sanguineous lady is easily distracted. She plans to do something and along the way stops to start a different thing. She is not well organised and her wardrobe is seen to be messy most of the time. She loves fashion and always want to dress to kill. The sanguineous lady is a good motivator. She lightens the room whenever tension comes and will always lift you up whenever you fall. She ensures that you are always positive and not downhearted. One weakness of the sanguineous day is that it is difficult for her to remain committed. She mostly loves to have fun and commitment is a difficult task for her. The sanguineous lady is easily devastated when things don´t go her way. She always needs assurance from her love. It is difficult for her to follow through tasks.It is difficult for the sanguineous lady to keep dates to mind but that doesn’t mean she is not caring. The sanguineous lady needs to be disciplined enough not to make her home scattered. It is very necessary she has a melancholic trait so that things can be in order in the house. The children will always cleave to the sanguineous mother because of the fun she will give them. If she is a sanguine, you must know her capabilities and weaknesses. This will serve as a guide when you are expecting certain things from her. She is fun to be with but cannot follow tasks through to the end. She can even sell the world because of her marketing skills and how easily she can influence decisions, but she is not really organised. ALWAYS DESIRE TO HAVE A LADY WITH A SPIRIT-FILLED TEMPERAMENT...


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