
Showing posts from September, 2018


Prayer is very vital in the life of every believer. This is because it is the only medium we can get access to God and have our needs met. Some people, however, have moved from the level of belief to the state of being more religious than being spiritual. To some Christians, being spiritual means having the ability to pray at all times, listening to gospel songs, preaching tapes and attending church always. I bet to differ. Spirituality has nothing to do with going to church or listening to tapes. Spirituality has to do with your stance before God. If you do all the afore-mentioned and man sees you to be spiritual, but before God you are nowhere near him, then where lies your spirituality? This mistake is what i term , being religious. When you see Christianity as a religion, you will be moved to follow laid down rules and principles even when you are doing the wrong things. Following rules don´t make you a better christian. It helps though; but believing in what you do and not


For sometime now, i have come to realise that many believers don´t receive answers to their prayers, just because they don´t really understand the concept of prayer. This piece is not to talk about everything about prayer. I will highlight only on some common mistakes many Christians do. God is not moved by the number of hours you pray as a Christian. What moves Him is the faith you have in your prayers. Many Christians spend hours praying to God but end up not receiving answers, just because they leave with unbelief. Some Christians pray to draw pity from God. They tell God about their problems for hours. The hard truth is this; God is not moved by the problems you tell Him. He already knows those problems you are bringing. He is not a hub for problem collection. There is nowhere in the bible that Jesus Christ asked the sick what was wrong with them. He never asked anyone the cause of their predicament. Jesus Christ always made it simple, by just asking, ´´what do yo


There was a time that the butterfly was an egg. At another time, it became a larva, then metamorphosed to be a pupa before getting to the adult butterfly stage. This tells us that no condition is permanent in life . Yes, nothing is permanent so you need to cherish every moment and every time you spend with people. Nothing is permanent so treat people as if you were in their shoes. A baby will never be a baby forever. A time will come that he will grow , age and eventually die. Many people who are successful in life today have stories of their poor past. Yes, they remember when they started to hustle and make the world a better place for them. Don´t use your position to deny someone his or her breakthrough. Do not use your power to prevent someone from reaching the height you are. There was once somebody in the position you are holding. If things were permanent, do you think you would be there now? The rich should not glory in his riches, the poor s