Image result for metamorphosis of a butterfly

There was a time that the butterfly was an egg. At another time, it became a larva, then metamorphosed to be a pupa before getting to the adult butterfly stage. This tells us that no condition is permanent in life .

Yes, nothing is permanent so you need to cherish every moment and every time you spend with people. Nothing is permanent so treat people as if you were in their shoes. A baby will never be a baby forever. A time will come that he will grow , age and eventually die. Many people who are successful in life today have stories of their poor past. Yes, they remember when they started to hustle and make the world a better place for them.

Don´t use your position to deny someone his or her breakthrough. Do not use your power to prevent someone from reaching the height you are. There was once somebody in the position you are holding. If things were permanent, do you think you would be there now?

The rich should not glory in his riches, the poor should never think he will die a pauper. Time changes depending on how you take your chances. Time changes based on how you treat others. People believe in Karma, an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. They believe that whatever you do on this earth, you will first have the reward on earth before judgement. 

Today you may have, people may come to you for help. It is not that you will have forever. That is why you ought to help as much as you can. The clock will turn one day and the one you turned down will be in the seat you once occupied.

I always love this quote from Mother Theresah:
´´People are often unreasonable and self centred, FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives, BE KIND ANYWAY. If you are honest, people may cheat you, BE HONEST ANYWAY. If you find happiness, people may be jealous, BE HAPPY ANYWAY.The good you do today may be forgotten, DO GOOD ANYWAY. Give the world your best and it may never be enough, GIVE YOUR BEST ANYWAY. For you see, in the end, it is between you and GOD. It was never between you and THEM anyway.``

Offer your help when the person is still alive. Encourage him when he is present and downhearted. Do good when he is in need and not when he is dead and gone. A lot of people regret forever because of the love they failed to show,help they didn’t offer and even encouragement they did not give other whiles they are alive. No amount of money can bring the person to life. No amount of tears will resurrect the dead. No help to the family after his death is relevant.

Time changes, to everything there is a season and a time. Offer that help when you can and not when the chance is gone. 

There is a time and a purpose to everything under the sun. You are born today, you die tomorrow. You get hurt today, you are healed tomorrow. As you grief today, have it in mind that you will not grieve forever. There is a day coming that you will smile again. You may have lost it all in life, but know that no condition is permanent. The clock can turn to favour you. This is why the rich should not glory in his riches. The strong should not boast of his strength and feel indispensable. Anything can happen within a twinkling of an eye.

A husband promises his wife he would return immediately after work and that was the last time she heard his voice. A mother was ready and happy to be buried by her son but she ended up standing beside the corpse of her son. People we trust end up disappointing us. In all these, just have this in mind: the life that you live is not your own. Make the impact whiles there is still time. Never think you have many years ahead of you to accomplish your dreams. 

As the world is facing global warming, so is our lives. As the rains are unpredictable and the seasons change, so is the lives we live. Times and seasons change. Help those you can help+, do what you have been tasked to do on earth and know that there is no time to waste.


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