The honour of the man isn`t measured by the wealth he possesses, but by the woman he is married to. The head of the family becomes useless so far as the neck is missing from the equation.Every woman has the potentials of being beauty, unique, great and worth the admiration of many if the man moulds her. You can never talk about desiring to marry a beautiful lady if you do not want to spend time and money on her. You won´t get a wise lady to marry if you don´t investing making her wise.

There are men who took ladies from villages where there was nothing good about their backgrounds. They brought them to the cities, invested in them and now these ladies look like angels sent from heaven. You can mould her into what you want her to be. Garbage in, you will definitely have garbage out. The wisdom of the woman is learnt from the man. The woman mostly brings out what the man puts into her.  Why won´t you follow other ladies who dress explicitly whiles you do not give attention and invest in the clothes of your woman? How will you follow ladies with nice and athletic bodies if you care about the physical appearance of your woman?

The potter has authority over the clay he uses. He knows the type of clay for the specific vessel he wants to make. He understands the qualities of the clay and that makes him make the right choice. No matter how the clay is good and no matter the qualities it has, the potter has the final say on its use. You are the potter and the woman is the clay.

You can mould her if you are willing to. Women have the tendency of adapting to every situation you create for them. They were created soft and meek so that the strong hands of a man can skilfully and lovingly shape her in to the kind he wants to see.

What you put in her is what you will see. Do not expect to see love if you fill her with hatred. Do not expect to see happiness if you fill her with bitterness. What you fill the computer with is what you will see displaying on the screen. What you want to see in the house depends on you.

Men are attracted to what they see. The eye is the door to the heart and whatever it sees, registers the signs to the brains. I love colours and i love nice things. I put my room into the form i love to see it always. Likewise, a man must decorate the wife or lady the way he wants to see her always. What gives us appetite is the appearance of the food and the aroma. That is the first step to whet the appetite of any individual. It is true that you cannot judge a book by its cover, however, the cover of the book attracts readers a lot. Decorate her and you will always feel proud of her.

Investments are long term projects. Let her always remember you for something positive that you did to change her life. You can never invest in something you do not believe in. Ladies are gifted to turn dust into gold. Help her discover her passion and talent and invest in her. you will never regret you ever did.

The man is truly the head of the family, but the woman is the reflection of the man in public. No matter how affluent you may be, your woman will disgrace you if you do not teach her. Teaching her is not all about formal education, but the do´s and don´ts of your circus. How do you entertain your friends? How do you want things done when you are with your family? What should she do to make your family accept her?  Teach her all the tricks and you will never feel embarrassed

A man who does not adore her woman is a man who turns love into hatred. Those who do not adore their women are shy of them and will never avail them to the world. Love not only in words but also in deeds. You tell her always that you love her but do you show it? Let her feel proud and unique among her peers. She needs attention.Give it to her. A woman who feels adored always have joy in her heart and she blossoms like a flower.

Be the advisor to her and let her have confidence in you. Build that confidence by presenting yourself as reliable. You will be the first person she will run to for advice so long as there is trust.

Let her feel accepted and unique at all times. Honour her on occasions like mother´s day, her birthday and other occasions you deem necessary. Let your love have a touch of giving. Surprise her with gifts at times for her being the mother of your children. Let her feel unique at all times.

Love is a decision and not feelings. Love easily forgives no matter how difficult it is. Love gives, love is not selfish, love is not easily angered and love cares at all times. Let her feel loved. Let her feel accepted and she will always be there for you.

Every lady is like a precious diamond vessel. Handle her with care and you will forever cherish the vessel. A man always values what he struggled to get and he will protect it at all times. CHERISH HER BECAUSE SHE IS DIFFICULT TO GET. AS YOU SEE HER AS A POISON, SHE IS UNDENIABLY SOMEONE´S PRECIOUS MEAT


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