A lot of people get to the point where they think they are in love. All things look joyous and sweet and they always feel like living in a wonderland. Then all of a sudden, reality sets in and things begin to crumble. Their fairy tale turns into a horror movie They later realize that what they fell in love with were just out of convenience but not out of love.

A lady approached me and narrated her story. She said, " I met this caring gentleman, who always spent time with me. There was not a single day that he did not respond to my call when i needed him. I felt loved and thought he was the one because he spoke my love language to me in an extraordinary fashion. Hmm, that was when i was having issues with my guy."
Another friend of mine told me his story, " She was always there for me when i wanted sex. She made me feel on top of the world because he really gave me satisfaction. In fact, i thought i was in love."
What these people failed to realize was that, there is always the quest to feel comfortable and satisfied as a human being. The fact that you receive things that make you comfortable does not mean your issue has been solv
ed. We meet people everyday and begin to like them when they speak our language. It is very normal for a lady to really be into a guy who speaks her love language. She will end up feeling loved just because she is happy around the guy. It is very normal for a guy to think he is in love when he starts receiving what he is missing in a relationship. All these scenarios don't depict the real meaning of love. These people have fallen into convenience with the other party and not love.

Love is a decision and not just feelings. The decision aspect makes up about 85% of the composition of love whiles emotions take the rest. The fact that he makes you happy does not mean you are in love with him. Situations can make you attached to someone that will make you draw this wrong conclusion. Relationships that are built on these end in a very disappointing manner. Yes, he was always there for you in times of financial crises, he bought you gifts and took you to classy restaurants. That made you draw closer to him but that does not mean you are in love with him.

When you are hungry and you enter the grocery shop, your mind will be filled with many suggestions because you had not made up your mind on what to eat. You will be attracted to the very first things your eyes will fall on and you may end up buying things you do not even need. That is falling in convenience. You just want something to fill the stomach.

The moment you start having problems in your marriage or relationship, that is the moment convenience easily beckons you.You will then end up trying to get what you are missing in that relationship or marriage.Nobody is 100%. You may get some one who is 80% good but has weakness of 20%. Others may be 70% to 30% , 60% to 40% or even 50-50. There is always some flaws in every individual and you will lose the good part of the person if you try to add it to the good part of another person. If you have someone who is 80% good but you want 100%, you will end up chasing someone with the 20% to add up to your 80. You will be surprised that you may lose the 80% by the time you are able to win the 20% over. Things can work out if you decide to. Falling into convenience will bring you more problems that will spoil the foundation you have built for a long time. Falling in convenience makes a woman married to a man who does not have time for her, enter a relationship with a man who will always be there for her. What this woman is doing is just to fill in the blank space, though she is still with the former . People cheat in relationships because the fall in convenience with others who supply their wants.

If you fall in love because of money, good looks, gifts, status, social recognition etc, it is a sign that you have fallen in convenience. You are into it because of what you will benefit. This is a deception to true love . Relationships that are established on the foundation of convenience will always end bitterly. Learn to differentiate between the two. Know what you are really getting yourself into before it is too late.


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