People have different definitions of who a man is. Whiles i was growing up, i heard the market women applauding men who could lift heavy loads. I then thought that was the definition of a man, until i saw even women who could do more than that. As i stayed in a compound house, i always heard wives fighting with their husbands and asking whether they were even men enough. I got another definition of this character as one who was good in bed and could satisfy his wife impeccably.

As i journeyed my life through school some men were being insulted that they could not fend for their families, and that was another definition. After school, the definition of a man was now attached to one's ability to work and cater for himself and then furthering it to cover his family and loved ones.
I, then, concluded that every phase of life gives a definition of the man based on the circumstances surrounding his capabilities.

So my question is, who is the real man?

The fact that you flex your muscles does not make you a man. The fact that you can beat your lady or wife disqualifies you from being a man. The strength given by God to man was first to protect the gifts God created. God entrusted His creation into the care of man to protect. The only creation that was in the highest form was the woman. God placed the woman in the life of the man for her to be catered for. He did not give His instructions to the woman, but rather he gave them to the man. This was to tell the man that he is now the one to teach the woman the way he wants her to behave. The wife is the reflection of the man. After man failed to protect the woman, he gave way for the serpent to deceive her. If man had engaged the woman in conversations, and cared for her as his priority, the woman would not have been deceived. God blamed the man and not the woman because man failed to do his job.

As the man, you have the responsibility of taking care of the woman, respecting her and being the backbone for her to lean on. As she is a weaker vessel, you need to handle her with care. Let her feel loved and be proud of her. You must nurture her into the woman you want her to be. She is the total reflection of your being.

The moment you hit her,you lose that respect and dignity before the world. The moment you use abusive words at her, you degrade yourself from being a real man. Never underestimate her love. She will only act strange when you give her the room to do so. Build your home together and protect what you build. She will protect you like a child, will sacrifice her life and love for you and bring out the best in you.

Being a man is far from how strong you are and how good you are in bed. Being the man is far from the number of ladies you can sleep with within a day. Let the definition of your manhood reflect in how you change the world around you. Add value to your lady and let others be proud of her. As she is glorified, you receive the greatest glory because you are his head.

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