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Everyone has a friend in his or her life. These are people we meet at school, church, work place and even our communities. We hang out with them and feel comfortable around them. Though we all have friends, very few of us know who they really are and the category of friends we must place them.

A lot of people get broken-hearted and disappointed when they experience certain traits in people they called friends. Some people tend to even live in solitary after unpleasant encounters of betrayal they experience. They place their trust in them and later regret ever knowing them.  All these could have been avoided if these people knew the kind of friends they were hanging out with.

There are four types of friends that we should all be aware of. The insight from this post will be able to guide you in handling your friends and also categorizing them appropriately.

These are friends that are with you for a season and for a purpose. These friends do not stay forever in your life. They come along the scene to help you execute a task and after that, they are gone. You will always feel broken-hearted if you build your entire world around attachments. These people are introduced into your life to help you complete an assignment, build your spiritual life, make you happy at a point you were full of sorrows and also to keep you on track. When their assignment is over, they do not stay. The longer they stay, the more they end up erasing the memories they built. Never cleave on to attachments. When the time is up for them to leave, let them go because they are given to you for a season.

Confidants are friends who will be with you through thick and thin. They are not with you for benefits but genuinely, they want your happiness and success. When you are being promoted in life, confidants will celebrate with you without any spot of malice or jealousy. They are happy when you make it in life. They will be with you throughout your life. These are friends you can count on all the time. They are trustworthy and can keep secrets. They will never let you down. You may fight with them, insult them, have bad times with them but they will still not give up on you. This is the David-Jonathan form of friendship. With these people, you feel inseparable. It is not everyone that you must share your secrets with. Confidants are friends that stick closer than brothers. They are the pillars placed in your life for you to lean on. This friendship can stand any trial in life with you and will never leave you. Distance will never break this friendship.


These friends are attracted to you because of certain things they like that you have. It might be a talent, some material things or a favor that they want but know you can give. It is very difficult for the rich to distinguish between real friends and constituents. However, you shall know them by their fruits. They always show up only when they need something. Constituents are opportunistic. They care about what you can do for them. They will leave you the moment they no longer need your aid. The friends of Job are clear examples of constituents. In Job's hay days they were hailing him like a king, but all left him when his disaster came. Never tell your secrets to constituents. They will never remain loyal to you. They act nice and happy around you but deep within them, they are after their own interest. They are fair-weather friends and will only be with you when things are cozy.

The enemy of your enemy is automatically your friend. These friends come as a result of circumstances. They are friends you have things in common with. You became friends because both of you hated the same lecturer. You are friends because both of you love the same sports etc. There is not a strong bond with these kinds of friendship. You only have certain things in common and that is all. Do not build your entire trust around this kind of friendship. They do not stay for long. When the battle is won ,everyone goes his way. Soldiers called from different units for a mission bond well throughout the period of the mission. This is because they need one another as they are on the field. Due to the circumstances they face, they might see themselves as a solid family. However, when the mission is over, they all leave to their respective units and that is the end. They only recall those moments they spent together when they meet. This is comradeship.

Never be in a hurry to trust people. Make sure you really know the kind of person you are sharing the secret with before you open up to him or her. Always be observant and notice the body language when you are spreading your good news. It is not everyone that smiles with you that has your interest at heart. Allow time to try your friendship and then you will know whether they are real or fake.


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