A lady came to me crying about how  her fiance has started giving her attitude. After she narrated her side of the story, i found out that there were certain things she failed to do to keep the man. I walked her through this journey and they are now happily married.

Amazingly, the only creature to be in the image and likeness of God is man. God put man in charge of everything and commanded him to take care of the garden and be the number one authority. He was given the power to name the entire creation of God and that made him superior to all things. The authority of the man extended to cover the woman the moment he named her as the mother of creation. This is why the woman always bears the surname of the man, being it her father or husband.

Every woman must know that the man is her world. It is the duty of the man to squeeze water out of rocks to cater for the woman. The man protects the family he builds and provides comfort for the woman. Man fell from glory because he could not protect what God gave him and that has been a lesson man learnt in the hard way as time went on. Your man is your world and how you want to enjoy your world depends on the traits you show. Your man is the air you breathe and the pureness of this air depends on you.

Respect is all that he needs from you, my lady. Irrespective of how you treat him, always make respect the number one on your list. A man who feels disrespected always misbehaves and treats ladies harshly. Respect is not servanthood. Respect his views, ideas, plans and suggestions. You respect the man if you do what he expects from you. As a woman, you become a man spiritually if you deviate from your core principle of being submissive. Submission here means you are open to the suggestions of your man. You are willing to do what he wants just to make him happy and you will not go contrary to his words. Mostly, there is a sect of ladies who do not see the essence of a man in their lives. Interestingly, you see this sect always being arrogant, always desiring to be in authority. They will never accept that the man is the head of the family. This sect end up being another head. Imagine what you will do if you see a human being with two heads. Respect is earned but in relationship it must be given willingly. Every man who feels respected by his woman always does things willingly and lovingly. If you have tried everything and it did not work, learn to respect him.

It is very important to make your man happy at all times. Know his love language and always communicate that to him. A man who is happy in his relationship will never go after another woman. A man who is satisfied in his relationship will never thirst for any strange water. Men are moved by what they see, therefore always dress attractively. Men are attracted to things that are unique but not extravagant. Be simple but very nice. Smell good, be cautious of your looks and general appearance every time. Let it be part of your life and he will always see you fresh. Men talk their hearts out when they are excited. Sampson spoke his heart out when he got excited. Delilah capitalized on this and the secret of the strength of the strongest man to live was revealed. If you want him to love you always make him happy.

"The road to a man´s heart is through his belly" is a famous quote among most tribes in Ghana. Why did Isaac tell Esau to prepare a sumptuous meal for him to eat so that he would bless him when he got satisfied? There is something connected to men and food. Feed him well and he will always think of you even when he is in the office. Men will always be connected to their mothers because of the food. For you to break that cord, which most often is impossible, feed him well. Know his choice of food and how it is made. Don´t be shy of asking him. Man will always get to the point where he gets fed up with eating outside. That is when he will abandon the lady who always want them to eat outside and settle for the cooking type. It is not always that you will get the time to cook but make every second count. Yes, i know that you are not his personal cook as you are in a relationship, but have it in mind that you will be his personal restaurant when you get married. You must be the master of the "OPERATION COOK AND KEEP". One thing that keeps marriages is sex. Sex binds and always connects couples together. A marriage without sex is a marriage full of deceit, betrayal, cheating and without trust. If you are not satisfying your husband in bed, remember that another woman may be filling in the gap for you. It is not good for man to be alone that is why the Holy Book admonishes us to marry. My lady, never deny him sex in marriage. Do not let him even have the chance to think of another lady.

No matter how a man will act all strong and unbreakable, he still needs attention. He may fight it most of the time but it is a lie, he needs it. Give it to him always and he will stay forever. Most of the time, those that fight attention are those who need it. As he attends to his business and how to make your future bright, you as the lady, have to attend to him. Break that chain of boredom from him when he is stressed. Loosen the atmosphere for him to be free  in his mind. Have time for his conversations, laugh to his jokes and be there when he needs you. There is an emptiness in every man that every lady must discover and fill. The first emptiness is filled with God. The next emptiness is filled with a wife. If you do not fill that emptiness, ladies from all walks of life will always justify their inclusion in his heart. God gives priority to those who give Him attention all the time. The same applies to man because we are created in His image and likeness. We always want to be with those who give us attention. Every man wants to be where he is celebrated.

To keep your man for good, execute the six or one dice rule. Know the qualities he wants in his woman and those he hates. After that, assess the situation. If you have those qualities, it means he will be happy with you at all times. If you do not have those qualities, it is better for you to learn those traits and demonstrate them or that man is not for you. Every man wants to see certain traits in her woman. Always know his likes, that is the six rule, assess them and advise yourself. There are times you may not have those traits but you can learn and make him happy. That is the difficult way but all things are possible. Every man does not expect his lady to be perfect. All that he expects is for you to be real. Never fake things to please your man if you want him to love you genuinely. Be yourself, let him know who you truly are and what you truly stand for and he will love you for who you are.

It is very possible to get married to the love of your life. It is possible to still make the relationship or marriage fresh once again. KNOW YOUR MAN BECAUSE THAT IS THE FIRST STEP TO KEEPING HIM FOR GOOD.


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