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There is always a shadow to everything placed in the light. The mere presence of this shadow is to tell you that there is a physical entity in the presence of light. This physical entity becomes reality, the shadow is just the reflection of it. If the object is taken from the source of light, the shadow is seen no more.

The life that you live is the entity and your past is the shadow. I was afraid of my shadows whiles growing up, till an old man told me it was my own reflection. There is no way for a furniture to have the shadow of a barrel. The life that you live correlates with the shadow it casts. The past is the shadow that mostly scares a lot of potentials. What you did in the past can never be revisited. There is no chance for you in the past and you need to accept that fact.

Learn from the past, draw lessons from it and always make sure you don´t repeat the mistakes of the past. You might have lost a contract in the past, that has made you wiser. You might have crushed a relationship in the past, that has made you value true and real people. You might have failed in some courses in the past, that has thought you time management. Everything that has happened in your life has a way of adding up values to your tomorrow.

The principle of uniformatarianism in geology states that the present is the key to the past. Your yesterday has a reflection on who you are today. Do not cry over the past because you cannot change them, but you can change your today to affect your tomorrow. Never attribute your failure to the past. The past owes you nothing.

You can still do what you wanted to do yesterday. It is never too late. Do not hold grudges within because they will drain your energy. The pain in the past,when remembered, kills faster.Set your eyes on tomorrow and how to make things right today. Applying your experiences in the past today makes you more matured and effective.

He betrayed your love and married another lady. He broke your heart and trust. He made you look cheap before the world. Let go of the past because those things are preventing you from seeing the goodness in the man in your life now, who is real. You were denied the contract because they said you were not qualified. Your business ended because you went into the wrong deals. Let go of the past and concentrate on proving to yourself your worth. You have been slandered in ministry. Those you ministered to ended up spoiling your name and ministry. People you helped in bringing up are now lifting their heels against you. Let go of the past because you did all for God and not for man. Your reward will surely be seen.

Learn how to manage your past. Let go of it and live a free life without regrets. Letting go of the past is a decision you have to make. You need to make the decision to forgive those who hurt you in the past. This will make you feel relieved and bring freshness to your soul. If you want to forget something, never hate it because the more you hate it, the more it will be fresh in your mind.The more you blame others, the lesser you see your wrongs. Stop blaming others for your actions. Maybe he broke up with you because of a specific trait you exhibited. Maybe you lost the contract because of a particular loose end. People are being harsh towards you because you are showing certain signs. When these happen, take your time to reflect on why their actions have changed towards you, why you lost that contract etc and learn from it. Folly is characterised by the repetition of mistakes.

" When one door closes, another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us"
                                                                                             Alexander Graham-Bell

Where you have been should not prevent you from where you are going. Build from your past and never allow it to delay your progress. There is no time to allow your past take even a minute from your present. People spend a lot of time crying over a spoilt relationship, some contract they lost and cleaving to the hurts in the past, and forget about using the time to make a change. Letting go may seem difficult, in fact it is. However, the cancer must be taken to avoid it spreading to other body parts. In your past, you become a prisoner, but in your present, you can be a builder. Most often than not, we allow the pains in the past to rob us of our joy . We carry loads and lament about their heaviness but forget that we can drop them and be free. The burdens we carry in life are as a result of our failure to let go.



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