A lot of people in this world have this perception to get to their destination irrespective of what they will do in getting there. They are so much into the destination that they do not care about how to get there. Like a lady who wants to be rich, she will never care about how she would get the wealth. All she knows is that she wants to be rich. Whether she will sell her pride for wealth, that isn't her headache. Her eyes are fixed on the mark. Like the business man who wants to breakthrough, he does not give a damn about the exorbitant profit margin. To him, so far as he gets what he wants, he is satisfied.

 Then i hear this always, ' the end justifies the means' and i think about it all the time. How can you be proud of your end if the process was muddy, full of deceit, slander and murder? why will you still lift your head up after assassinating the character of an individual before getting to that position? We have indeed allowed greed to eat us up and this has made us feel righteous and good in our eyes, just because we have accomplished our tasks. 

You could have achieved that success without destroying that person. You could have attained that position without slander. As you walk along the road to success, have a clear conscience of building your own achievements and not sacrificing someone for your achievement.

We all have 24 hrs within a day. How you use it depends on you. Utilize yours judiciously and do not destroy what someone has built because of your greed. There are many routes to that destination. Instead of you to pull him down in order for you to have a way, try and create your route. It is never too late. Mostly, pride prevents us from accepting facts. If he has won the contract, why should you use dubious means to strip him of it?  Whatever goes around, surely comes around.

Six crabs were put in a basin with food for three days. After they consumed all the food and starvation set it, they decided to leave the basin to the outside world. When one began climbing up the basin, the other five pulled him down. As another tried with the climbing, they still pulled him down. This continued till all got exhausted and died. They all forgot that there were many empty routes they could have used to get out of the basin. They were concentrating on the only route that one of them began his journey with. Most of us have our lives like that. We close our eyes on the various avenues and opportunities and try to destroy others to get what they are enjoying.

Create your own path to success Do not allow evil intentions corrupt your hard-earned principles in life. Nobody might see it now, but remember, the evil that men do lives after them.


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