Love is a very beautiful thing so far as you get the right person with the right understanding, having the right vision for you. A lot of people fall in love more than once in their lives and along the line they break up without knowing the exact cause of it. Some attribute it to ethnic ties whiles others attribute it to lack of undeImage result for break uprstanding. To some, they will say that the love that was there in the beginning got faded away and the relationship lost its essence. Biblically, relationship is not just between a man and a woman who come together in a bond of love to work out their future. Relationship cuts across families, leadership, love etc, just to mention a few. There has been numerous cases on break ups in relationship as the years go by and most at times we ignore the types of break up.  Before you can get total cure for your disease, the doctor has to know the history of it and then make his recommendations.There are basically five main types of break ups that i want us to look at today and these cut across every form of relationship, being it in the family, between  people in love or in leadership.


 This break up is always seen in relationships where one person becomes overly jealous of the other. Irrespective of the kind of relationship, one person always becomes envious of the success of the other. She will end up despising every good thing about him and will eventually move to the level where she always wishes for his downfall. Mostly this break up is found within settings where an upcoming talent with brighter prospects finds himself where an older talent feels threatened. When you are in a relationship with a bossy person who always wants things to be done his or her way, this kind of break up can occur. The person will always lay traps for you to be caught in so far as you become a threat to him. Due to these examples, people end up breaking up and moving on for better opportunities.  David became a threat to Saul when he(Saul) found out that teh kingdom had been taken from him spiritually. Saul perceived the future of David and saw him to be a threat. He schemed against this shepherd boy for long and David had to break up that relationship that he had with Saul. There are times a guy falls in love with a lady and later in life becomes envious of the lady. The guy begins to find everything the lady does as fishy. He suspects her movements and possessions. The more this continues, the easier the lady becomes fed up in the relationship and the result will be a break up out of jealousy.


 There are times that people become blessed and successful based on their relationship with others. I have known men who got financially secured because of the ladies they dated and married. I have seen businesses that flourished based on the association with a particular person. However, these people, upon seeing their success think they have arrived and make drastic decisions to break up that relationship just because they have seen a better opportunity. A man got married to a woman and the wealthy woman established the man out of the inheritance of her father. Later, as the man got richer, he thought that was all. He divorced the woman and went in for another whom he thought would be of help to him. The first woman did everything to bring this man down. I also know of a woman who got married to man just because of his money and rejected her long-time boyfriend. Little did she know that a time will come when her husband will work for the former boyfriend. The nephew of Abraham, Lot, found himself in this situation. After he was blessed due to his connection with Abraham, he decided to choose the very best of the lands God showed them, thinking he was wise.This break up led to his downfall in life. The guy may not look promising today but you may never know who he will become tomorrow.


 A lot of break ups are as a result of the partners not being truthful. Over the years i have experienced series of couples who have ended their relationships because of the lack of truth. Some ladies present themselves as who they are not and likewise some guys. When the truth comes out, disappointment propels the break up process and all that seemed to be enjoyable relationships hits the rocks. Some people who were given high profile tasks to handle ended up being deprived of them because of the lack of trust . Gehazi got broken off from a rare prophetic anointing because he lacked the truth of a prophet. He lied to both the prophet Elisha and Naaman just for his personal gains.


 Some break ups are very necessary in life. A lot of issues being battled over in marriages were issues that began during the dating stages of the relationship. If those issues were settled once and for all or if the partners had broken up at that time, there would not have been pending cases of divorce. God told Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah and break up with Hagar and her child Ishmael. As difficult as it was, Abraham had to do it to preserve the d future of the seed of promise. Ishmaelic break ups are very necessary in our lives if we know that we can prevent the dangers ahead. Why do you want to marry her when you cannot live with the evil (weakness) in her? He is not bringing you anyway close to your believes, then why are you still dating him? You need Ishmaelic break up in that relationship.


 I found out that numerous relationships have been broken in the past due to disagreements or contentions. Difference in the choices of partners have over the years led to many break ups. This has always moved from the minute things in life to very complex stuffs. The decision on the usage of salaries has led many to break up their relationship. There are some ladies who think the chores must be shared. Some guys think it is the woman´s responsibility to do all the chores and the mere differences have led to the break up of that relationship. Saul had a contention with Barnabas because of a previous issue they had over John Mark. this caused a temporal break up in their ministry.

 What can be solved, let us do our possible best to solve them. Breaking up from one relationship to the other is never the best. If you have broken up, learn from that experience and make the best choice in your next relationship


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