No automatic alt text available.Out of the man she came forth, in the garden of eden she began her course, for the desire of wisdom she revealed her flaws. The world has been blessed with an elite sect that have propelled many to pedestals of greatness. Nations have been blessed by their presence and involvement in issues regarding nation building and they are still contributing their quota. In all walks of life they dominate. Along the principal streets, in the market place, at the malls and offices, there is not a single day without meeting them. They add colour to everything they touch, bring back life to the dying and have a well of humour to add up to your day.

On the streets, i hear the `kayaye`(porter) running after the woman who has just finished buying her merchandise. As she carries her little boy at her back, all she prays is to make some penny. In the hot-scorching sun, she gives way for the kid to suck some milk from the empty breast. All she knows is that one day this boy will be able to have a position in life. In the market she spreads her tomatoes on the table and starts calling buyers with her songs,  `obiara mm3t) bi oooo `(everyone should come and buy) is heard all over the place as traders move helter skelter. She has three sons, an unemployed graduate, one at the final year in high school and another in creche. Above all, her husband just lost the job and she has to provide daily bread for this family. I saw her dressed explicitly as she walked towards her office. She is the owner of that telecom company that offers employment to 10% of the working population. She has it all, but her desire is to make the world a better place for others. People call her career woman because her business is her priority. She has been hurt several times in a relationship and has closed that chapter in her life. She gives her best to help others but will never open that love chapter in her life. She feels men will take advantage of her because of her position in life, but all these walls she has built to prevent pretenders from intruding.

These are some of the characters you will meet as they celebrate their day. They have sold their holland wax to see us through education. They have brought out the best in men and have added crowns to our heads. They have been by our sides on the sick beds and have sticked to us when every tom, dick and harry did not see the best in us. This is the true woman we celebrate today. Get connected to the right people and you will see that it is really spectacular to associate with them.

"if you educate a woman, you educate a nation" this we have not forgotten. The likes of Rosa Parks, Margaret Thatcher, Eva Peron, Mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc, Miriam Makeba, Yaa Asantewaa, just to mention a few have all contributed to where we are today. They fought for the rights of their people, showed care towards the poor and needy and released pots of love to fill every heart. They are the source, from which life enters the world. Treat them well and they will be an asset to you, maltreat them and they will find yourself in a casket.

They are not weak, they are strong. The fact that they are submissive does not mean they are weak within. Let us not misinterpret the biblical correspondence about them. They have been equipped to do anything their minds decide to accomplish. Whiles men feared death, Yaa Asantewaa led a war, whiles the black race feared to stand up to racism, Rosa Parks pioneered a revolution. Whiles the world was full of hatred and pain, Mother Theresa reached out to the poor and needy. The have also rubbed shoulders with men in all walks of life. Ann E. Dunwoody, a female, was able to retire as a four-star general in the United States Army. We deceive ourselves that women empowerment has made them arrogant. no it has not, it just made them realise their potentials and do more than what they thought they could. It has broken the limitation placed on them through illiteracy. Empower them and you will see that they revere you and attribute their success to you. Maltreat them and you will see that there wouldn´t be any better place on this earth for you to dwell. Like the songwriter, it is absolutely true that, "so amazing how this world was made, i wonder if God is a woman. The gift of life astounds me till this day, i give it up for the woman. She is the constant wind that fills my sail Oh that´s woman. With her smile, and her styles, my she´ll protect like a child, that´s woman. She puts a smile upon your face, and takes you to a higher place, so don´t you underestimate....THE STRENGTH OF A WOMAN." Shaggy.

They are indeed a blessing to us in this world so far as we treat them with love. Let them know their worth in your life and they will never disappoint you. I am proud to know few of them who have transformed my life. As today marks their day, i will just say ayekoo (well done) to all females in the world. You have changed us and we love you for your endless love and efforts.

I can never end this piece without adding a touch of womanhood from our own Ghanaian artiste Becca,
"Woman, i see a woman
 Every in the mirror i see a woman
 And every time i look at Mama I see that woman
 A wonderful woman, an african woman, Mother of Nature."


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