
Showing posts from April, 2017


The generosity of people are either as a result of a gift they attained from birth or due to the families they come from. As a person grows in life, various situations also add up to his generosity, for example the teachings he is exposed to. Over the years, there has been a decline in generosity demonstrated by people. Almost everyone has a story associated to why he or she stopped being generous. Some desisted from that good deed because of disappointments they received from those they helped in life whiles others ceased from doing good to others because of betrayal. It is very painful when you receive betrayal and disappointment from the very person you helped in life. This makes it difficult for you to continue doing good to others.  There is a package for you concerning everything you do on this earth, being good or bad. The scriptures admonish us to do good always. Christ teaches us in Matthew 5:44, to even do good to them that hate us. It is very difficult to help your


Everything we see around us has a life span. We see trees today and tomorrow they are no more. We live with loved ones and cherish them all our lives, only to wake up one day and see them no more. We grow bitter when bad things happen to us and many of us give up because we do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. People who encounter setbacks in life quit when things don´t go as planned. Little do they know that no condition is permanent. Yes, time changes and we need to understand that fact. Everything that we see has a life span.  No matter how bad a situation may be, it surely has a life span. The wisest king to live on earth wrote in his book, Ecclesiastes, that there is a time and season for everything. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;


Majority of the people who commit suicide are those who give up when they encounter setbacks in life. These people see no essence in living again and they think the only solution is to end life. Some people try several times in life to accomplish goals but always fail. They get frustrated at the end and decide to kiss that vision goodbye. It is very sad to hear ladies say, " All men are the same", just because they encountered one or two broken relationships. The woman who needs the fruit of the womb, after several years in believing and trying with no response, quits that dream and says,"maybe God does not want me to have my own child in life." All these are setbacks that we face as human beings that make us quit. I learnt this song in elementary school: "Life in this world is a great struggle, for both the young and old. And even those who have great riches have troubles on their own. Rich men envy poor men, poor men envy the rich. Therefore, what is


There is always an anonymous saying that red wine is good for the heart. How credible this is, I don't know. Right from the onset you may think that this piece is about wine and its preservation but i am very sorry to disappoint you. The scriptures talk about wine and the wine skin and this is where the motivation has been drawn from today, as i link this scripture to problems in relationship. "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." Matthew 9:17 A lot of problems are now coming up in relationships because of behaviours from parties involved. These problems mostly ruin the relationships because this concept of wine in the wine skin have less been spoken of or have not been spoken of at all. The wine is the behaviour that we carry into the relationship and the wine skin is the relationship. Mostly, people break up from