Image result for do goodThe generosity of people are either as a result of a gift they attained from birth or due to the families they come from. As a person grows in life, various situations also add up to his generosity, for example the teachings he is exposed to. Over the years, there has been a decline in generosity demonstrated by people. Almost everyone has a story associated to why he or she stopped being generous. Some desisted from that good deed because of disappointments they received from those they helped in life whiles others ceased from doing good to others because of betrayal. It is very painful when you receive betrayal and disappointment from the very person you helped in life. This makes it difficult for you to continue doing good to others. 

There is a package for you concerning everything you do on this earth, being good or bad. The scriptures admonish us to do good always. Christ teaches us in Matthew 5:44, to even do good to them that hate us. It is very difficult to help your enemy, knowing emphatically that the person does not like you. It is like taking the son of someone who hates you to the hospital whiles the person is away. Have it in mind that every good deeds you do is not for man but rather, you do it for God. You r reward will come one day when you least expect it.

In Hebrews 13:2, we are told that some people encountered angels unawares as they helped strangers. You will never know who you are helping in life. Today, that person may be a nobody but you have no idea of his tomorrow. We should desist from helping only those who can help us in life. Let us stretch our hands to strangers and even those who do not have the capacity to repay the good deeds we render them. A 9-year old boy stole drugs form a chemical shop because his mother was dying and he could not afford it. A certain man came to his rescue when the shop owner caught the boy and was beating him. The man paid the chemist and dished out food from his diner for the boy. The man forgot about this case as the years passed. Twenty years later, the man had kidney failure and was admitted at the only specialist hospital in the country. The bill was so huge that his family could not afford. Amazingly, the specialist was the boy he helped way back in life. The doctor settled those bills and offered them the best of treatment, just because of what the man did for him in the past.

Abraham gave a good treat to three strangers he never knew in life, not because he was wealthy, but because he knew it was a good thing to offer help when needed. The years of barrenness in that family ceased just because of that reception they gave. In other words, they traded their barrenness with their good deeds.

A lot of people have stopped helping others because they ended up being disappointed. They invested in people who were ungrateful to them later in life. They helped people rise to the top and they were never remembered. In fact, it is a very painful experience when these things happen. A lady will kill herself to raise a guy from the dust for the guy to attain fame, only for the guy to go in for another lady. A guy will take a lady from the slums and sponsor her education for the lady to attain greatness, only for the lady to move on with a guy of her newly attained class.These things bring pain to the heart and quenches the fire of the person to help anybody in life again. However, we must know that the good deeds exhibited will surely come back to us.

Whatever good deeds you demonstrate towards others will always come back to you. Never be discouraged from doing good. You have a heavenly account where every good deed is deposited. You will be visited with it when you need it the most. When all hope is lost, that very help you gave someone will come back to you.

An indication that you are closer to your season of breakthrough is when you feel like giving up on doing good to others. When you get to that stage, never quit, keep pushing. The medal is not awarded to those who quit the race half-way.
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
                                                                                                                Galatians 6:9


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