Related imageThere is always an anonymous saying that red wine is good for the heart. How credible this is, I don't know. Right from the onset you may think that this piece is about wine and its preservation but i am very sorry to disappoint you. The scriptures talk about wine and the wine skin and this is where the motivation has been drawn from today, as i link this scripture to problems in relationship.

"Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." Matthew 9:17

A lot of problems are now coming up in relationships because of behaviours from parties involved. These problems mostly ruin the relationships because this concept of wine in the wine skin have less been spoken of or have not been spoken of at all. The wine is the behaviour that we carry into the relationship and the wine skin is the relationship. Mostly, people break up from relationships and they do not know why that relationship ended. They do not even sit down to reflect on it and hurriedly jump into another relationship. These people break up on a Sunday and on  Wednesday they propose to a different person, or accept the proposal from a different person. They end up adding to histories of break ups in their lives without knowing their causes. Remember that break ups and divorces are not always as a result of spiritual influence.

Someone may break up with you because of the behaviour  you exhibited in the relationship. As this happens, you do not have to carry those traits into another relationship because you will end up in the same shoes of break up. That is the concept of old wine in new wine skin. As you suffered from that break up, take time and know what went wrong and if you discover that the person was unable to continue with you due to your behaviour, assess yourself and change. Ensure that you do not exhibit those traits in your next relationship. Human beings have different capacities of enduring and harboring issues. What one may endure, the other may not. However, so far as it is a negative attitude, try and change so that you can enjoy wineskin will nor break.

Some people always exhibit good traits in the relationship when things are cozy and enjoyable. They show their love at all times because the relationship has not been tested by time. As situations change these people end up changing their attitude and that is where the friction starts from. They now begin to find problems in everything you do. There is the deposition of new wine in an old wine skin and the definitely, the bottle will break. At times, the ladies for example, change because the guys start cheating on them. Some  end up changing their attitude to fit in the situation. Both go on rogue and the end becomes disastrous. A married woman who had a husband who never stayed in the house always prayed to God to bring her husband home. For months she continued praying till one day, the husband showed up. When his woman was hugging the husband, she saw an imprint from a lipstick on the man's shirt. Amazingly, this woman took the husband to the tub, they bathed together, ate well and went to bed, thanking God for bringing her man home. What she saw did not make her change her attitude. She did not want to fight the husband which might have made him go away for good. This woman did not change her behaviour but stayed in the relationship.

Relationship is always like a sinusoidal curve, it is never straight. Never expect to be in a relationship void of issues. It is better to find solutions to issues than to run away from them. Learn to know what causes a person to change in attitude and always allow the test of time to try your relationship. I cannot guarantee that you will never face challenges in your relationship, you will encounter a lot of them. However, you must decide to solve them and advance in the relationship, rather than quitting and repeating those same mistakes that will make you quit the next relationship.

The heart of man is very fragile, keep it well. What you are running from in a relationship, someone is also running towards it. You will never cherish something till you lose it. If it is possible to sort things out and live happily with him or her, why not? There are times that i think it is worth it to let go, but before you get to that level, try and think through things very well, know the reasons that caused the problems and try solving it before you make the decision. The wine is good, but the wine skin will determine its worth.

To those who had their relationships ending due to their attitude, i entreat you to change as you enter the new one. To those who are changing their attitudes because situations have changed in their relationships, i will say, kindly suffer it to be so now. No condition is permanent. True love is always tested by time. Do not change your attitude because situations have changed. Continue to be who you are.


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