
Showing posts from May, 2017


Every tom, dick and harry on this planet wants a life well spent with a loved one no matter the cost. People do everything to be accepted in life and will go to the extent of going beyond the extreme for the person they love to accept them. Little do they know that relationship is a two-way affair and it is reciprocal. irrespective of your in vestment in the relationship, you need to know that it is never a one-way show. After passing through various phases of life, i saw under the sun that a lot of relationships does not end in marriage. Numerous relationships end on the rocks and leave bitterness and hatred in the hearts of those involved. To avoid these hurts, bitterness and your decision not to fall in love again, you must know these secrets about relationship. EVERY RELATIONSHIP TESTS YOU Relationships start on a very happy note, where those involved feel they are the right partners for each other. Visits, communication and every form of bond is strengthened all the time. You


Isolation is among the things that destroys vision and progress in life. No matter who you are in life , you need to be connected. The network you find yourself has a greater influence on what you can achieve. Pride is the only disease that affects people who don't want to be connected . Throughout the bible, you can clearly see that God connected people when He wanted to do massive things. The tower of Babel was built at a faster rate as a result of connection. The glorious days of King Saul was as a result of the connection he had with Samuel. The ministry of Moses became lighter for him when God connected 70 elders to help him. Esther has a powerful reign because of her connection with Mordecai. The disciples of Jesus Christ became famous in ministry because they were connected to the Messiah. The great companies of today are all connected. You will realize that big businesses are owned by groups of people who have various percentages of shares in the company. Thi


The woman race has been the most discussed topic since the world evolved, because they form up the basis of living. They are not weak in nature, but rather, they are delicate vessels that men have to handle with care.  The woman houses the precious gift called life. She incubates that blessing and nurses it till the blessing is able to be on his or her own. The woman is a real blessing in life and can determine the success or failure of the man. Give the woman groceries and she will give you a meal. Give her a house and she will give you a home. Give her sperms and she will definitely give you a baby. Give the woman trouble and she will by all means give you hell. This means that the woman is able to reciprocate in abundance whatever you give her. A lot of books have been written on marriage and relationship. Many people consult these books to make their marriages and relationships works. There are numerous guidelines clearly illustrated in these books. However, we sti