Every tom, dick and harry on this planet wants a life well spent with a loved one no matter the cost. People do everything to be accepted in life and will go to the extent of going beyond the extreme for the person they love to accept them. Little do they know that relationship is a two-way affair and it is reciprocal. irrespective of your inImage result for secrets about relationshipsvestment in the relationship, you need to know that it is never a one-way show. After passing through various phases of life, i saw under the sun that a lot of relationships does not end in marriage. Numerous relationships end on the rocks and leave bitterness and hatred in the hearts of those involved. To avoid these hurts, bitterness and your decision not to fall in love again, you must know these secrets about relationship.


Relationships start on a very happy note, where those involved feel they are the right partners for each other. Visits, communication and every form of bond is strengthened all the time. You will see love birds holding hands at every corner. However, people are blinded with this state of fantasy that occupies only about 10% of love and forget that every relationship will test you. Every relationship tests your emotions, and your intrinsic attributes. You will be tested at all angles regarding, the use of money, association with friends and families, your behaviour towards the opposite sex and how to even manage stress. This test is what people base on to either quit the relationship when you don´t meet what they expect or move on with you when he or she is satisfied with what he or she has seen.

Love is a decision and the testing moments make one decide to either be with you or not. The reason why there are numerous cases of hurts from relationship is that many people jump the gun and propose before knowing what is within the other partner. The moment you propose before knowing the intrinsic traits of the partner, you will end up just doing everything possible to contain him or her. At the back of your mind, you will always be finding reasons to end the relationship at the least opportunity.


Some people fall in love because of their personal gains. What they will benefit from you matters most to them than what you feel about them. This kind of relationship is always bent on deceptions. They will make you feel you are the one whiles they are still having other plans. You will drain your energy, resources and time to just make him or her happy just to keep him. One thing about this is that, people who are desperate to be in a relationship or to marry end up not finding the right person. These are the very people who are mostly used. they settle on any one that comes their way and force themselves to be loved.

Love is natural and it will flow naturally. Never force yourself to be loved because you are someone´s precious jewel. Time is not far gone since there is always time for you too. You can avoid being used if you are single, by assessing yourself. You might have dated several guys and none tied the knot with you. You keep on blaming them but maybe you did not also assess what you did to drive them away. Every lady that comes your way enjoys your resources and bolts away. Something must be wrong somewhere. Self assessment is the right tool to prevent being used. The one who feels that you are putting pressure on him or her to settle down with you will always run away. Save your heart from these troubles.

Love must not be attached to material things. Never think that he will love you because of your possessions and don´t use that to lure him because it won´t last. Let her know that you love her for who she is and not for what she has become. Many marriages are now on the edge of breaking because the men found the families of the ladies to be very influential in society and they thought they could use them to get to their destination. If this is the case, the marriage will wean off gradually because love does not consist in the abundance of things that one possesses.


Every relationship is a class on its own. People i have encountered in my life mostly have a word to share about their relationships. Some learnt lessons the hard way whiles others had stronger commitment to their partners because of how they were taught. Lessons either make you stronger by first breaking you, or affirms your love for the other. Every relationship will teach you a lesson, being good or bad. One of the lessons i have learnt from relationship is that a lady who loves you does not care about your past, and does not build her fantasies on your future. She is always ready to support you to the end no matter the cost. I have also learnt the hard way out of relationship too. You can never hide the truth and the greatest weapon of a woman is her instincts. You might be able to lie to her but that does not mean she has been fooled by your lies.

People always say that distance ruins relationships but i came to realise that distance does not ruin a relationship, it is doubt that does.

Even the wrong relationship teaches you a lesson not to fall in love with the wrong reason. The fact that the relationship taught you and did not work does not mean it is all over for you when it comes to the matters of the heart. Never close your books on loving again because you don´t know what is in store for you. That lesson is meant to make you stronger. You have suffered a lot from relationship but those things you encountered have brought out the best in you. You are more stronger than you used to be.


The rare, precious and expensive minerals are found deep within the core of the earth. Diamond is expensive than gold because of its depth, durability and qualities. Relationships that did not even work surely brings out the best in you. Through that bad relationship you were able to know how to love someone who does not even show his love. The relationship made you pray to God more than you had done your entire life. Your attendance to church activities increased all because you were in a bad relationship that you wanted to make it work. You learnt how to be patient and how to handle accusations. Most at times, you will never know your strength and capabilities till you fall in the wrong hands.

Good relationships also bring out the best in you. You add up to your good traits when you are in a good relationship. You are in a wrong relationship if your partner does not bring out the best in you. Your confidence is always built up in the right relationship. The right relationship makes you feel secured. It makes you encouraged to arrive at your destination and equips you with the strength to achieve your dreams.


Never wait till you get married to the wrong person before you say had i known. Being in a relationship is the time for you to study yourselves and know whether you can be with the person for life or not. if you are being abused whiles in the relationship, what makes you think things will change after marriage? If you are always fighting other guys from being with her what makes you think the table will turn when you get married? Follow your senses and not your feelings. If you follow your feeling you will always love more ladies in addition to your lady, because feelings are heightened by what your sense organs perceive and that is always lustful.

Dating gives you the platform to know each other before you move to the next level. Never overlook things that happen during your dating moments. The lady who insults you at the slightest mistake will always do that in marriage. If by now he is mad when you want to spend time with your family, don´t expect that to change when you marry. If people will not just base their decisions on their feelings, a whole lot of damages will be prevented in relationships.


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