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Isolation is among the things that destroys vision and progress in life. No matter who you are in life , you need to be connected. The network you find yourself has a greater influence on what you can achieve. Pride is the only disease that affects people who don't want to be connected .
Throughout the bible, you can clearly see that God connected people when He wanted to do massive things. The tower of Babel was built at a faster rate as a result of connection. The glorious days of King Saul was as a result of the connection he had with Samuel. The ministry of Moses became lighter for him when God connected 70 elders to help him. Esther has a powerful reign because of her connection with Mordecai. The disciples of Jesus Christ became famous in ministry because they were connected to the Messiah.
The great companies of today are all connected. You will realize that big businesses are owned by groups of people who have various percentages of shares in the company. This is what i call connection. Every young man who is even ready for marriage will look at the network you are in as a lady before deciding on the fate of the relationship.
Being isolated will kill your ministry. Yes, it will kill your business, your relationship and even your marriage. When you are connected, you have the chance to be mentored. You have the chance to learn new things and you have people who will defend you and pray with you in times of crises. Connection brings unity and unity is strength. You are still unemployed because you lack connection. Your business is not flourishing because there is no connection. You are dying slowly with your ideas, though those ideas are powerful, all because you are not connected.
Though you need to be connected, you must endeavor to be connected to the right people in life. Samson's connection with Delilah caused her downfall. Ananias was connected to a wrong counselor in the form of a wife. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah had wrong connections that led to their fall. The wrong connection Eve had with the serpent resulted in the fall of the entire human race. Many ministers of the gospel have fallen and out of the system because of the wrong connections they had. Many businesses that were thriving well are now no more because of wrong connections. No man is even desiring to marry you because of the network you find yourself.
Never allow pride to prevent you from being connected. Renowned ministries and business of today are flourishing as a result of connections.
Decide to be connected today and things will turn around.


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