Upon entering a shop with electrical appliances, you will find out that there are various brands of products. The television sets you will see vary in prices based on the manufacturers. A 55 inches television set, having different brands goes for different prices because of the credibility of the manufacturers. There is no way a samsung product will have a lesser price than a product that nobody has ever used. We all know manufacturers likeImage result for greatness Samsung, LG, Apple and the likes because they have paid the price to be who they are today. These manufacturers did not become well known across the globe overnight. They have suffered from rebukes, encountered rejections and fought to be accepted in the domain of the world market.

There is a price to pay for greatness. There is a price to pay so far as you want to make an impact in life. Never envy someone who is great without knowing what made him great. What you see them have today was not their story yesterday. People have gone through the mill and they have been tried, weighed and found wanting in every aspect of rejection, attacks and defeats. These people you see around have scars all over their bodies and within their hearts. Like the scars on the bark of the tree that tell the story of the tree, these people have stories that they can only tell you when you are closer.

You will never know what people have been through to make their marriages as lovely as they are today. You have no idea of the pain and emotional trauma that they encountered. You have no idea of how the wife had prayed and fasted earnestly for her husband to be changed. You cannot sit down and just admire them and wish to be them. Know their story and you will know the price they paid to be where they are today.
The fact that someone you are in business with is flourishing whiles you are drowning in debt does not mean he has sought for  illegal means to boost his finances. Don´t attribute the success of that person to evil powers and occultism if you don´t know his story. You don´t know the price he has paid to be where he is today. Whiles he was squeezing water from rocks, you were sipping coffee. Whiles he was investing the little profits he gained, you were spending them on pizza. He worked fifteen hours a day whiles you did only eight. He has paid a price that you can never dream of and that price has birthed the success you see.

The fact that you were raised in the same neighbourhood and even had a better foundation than the other does not mean you will have a better future than him. The race is never to the swift. You can have a good start but that does not determine how you will finish. What matters most is how you approach issues along the way. Your vision determines your sacrifice. If you have a vision of becoming a politician in life, you will know the price to pay. If you are determined to be a medical doctor, there is a price to pay for that. The person who wants to be president in future knows the price he must pay. Your vision determines your preparation. You are responsible for your greatness. When you see yourself not to be like everybody, you will not just follow the crowd and do what everybody does. Those who become great do what normal people never dream of doing. They make sacrifices that the ordinary human being will not do. Whiles you are wasting time, they will be investing in the time. Whiles you are sleeping, they are working

There is always a price tag to everything you see around you. Mr. Preacher, don´t envy the pastor or prophet who is walking in riches just because you are not. Never attribute his wealth to occultic powers. Get closer to him and know his story, that will reveal his sacrifice also. Don´t attribute it to juju when the anointing is at work. There are treasures in darkness and hidden riches in secret places and it takes the anointed to discover them. Your ministry is bereft of the supernatural because you are not willing to pay the price. Those who are willing and obedient are eating the good of the land, and you can join them.

Salvation has never been free. It took the man, Jesus Christ, to pay the greatest price by offering Himself as sacrifice for the remission of sins. There can never be grace without a sacrifice. He paid the price for you to enjoy what you think is free. A lot of families flourishing in wealth today are as a result of the price that their forefathers and the founding members of the family paid years back. You will never know the history of the family by standing at a distance. We see some nations to be great because of the price paid by the founding members.

Who do you want to become? Which level in life do you want to get to? What memories do you want the world to remember you for? Remember, there is always a price to pay. If you are crawling, crawl well. If you are walking, make sure you know where you are going. If you are running, endeavour to increase the speed. Let the one flying never think of landing. Pay the price for greatness and you will see the fruits. We, all, have seeds of greatness in us but there is only one question, are you willing to pay the price for greatness?


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