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´´Lest satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices´´2 Corinthians 2:11
Many Christians have been exposed to the truth of the power they have to bind demons, cast them out and trample on serpents and scorpions, however, they have little or no knowledge on demonic activities and their operations. As a military officer, your ability to access accurate and timely information about your enemy always places you at a place of advantage to overcome him. This is one of the main reason why developed countries invest a lot in covert and espionage operations. The only way to know much about how demons operate is through the Spirit of God and this knowledge is embedded in the holy Book.

Never think there is nothing fighting you in this world. Some people don´t believe in the existence of external forces. To them, there is no God, likewise no devil. Life is just how you make it, you are born, you will die and that is it. If that is the case then there is no essence in living. Every true believer must know that the battle is not between physical forces, but rather, unseen spiritual forces war against us day in and out
´´For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.´´Ephesians 6:12 Your knowledge about this will make you have a different approach to things in life. You will not attack individuals for breaking your home, destroying your relationship or making it difficult for you to have a stable job.

The word demon was derived from the greek word daimon which means a supernatural being or spirit. It did not have a negative connotation from its origin because there was nothing like evil spirits until the one-third of the angelic host rebelled against God and was cast down to the earth. These spirits maintained their angelic hierarchy as they were cast down, but in an evil form. The means of approach, in dealing with a principality is therefore different from that for a throne, because they vary in hierarchy. The angelic hierarchy will be discussed in later publication.

Demons are spiritual beings that need physical entities to inhabit before they can operate. Before you understand demonic manipulations, you need to understand the law of spiritual limitation. This law states that any spirit needs a physical body before it can affect things in the physical realm. A spirit can only affect things in the spiritual realm. However, the only way for a spirit to affect things in the physical realm is when it seeks permission to dwell in a physical body. This was the main reason why Christ could not save mankind as a Spirit. He had to come in the form of flesh so that He could redeem man. `But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.``Galatians 4:4-5
´Ánd the word was made flesh , and dwelt among us…``
Demons cannot operate in the physical unless they get a physical body. This was why satan needed a physical body before he could manipulate Eve in the garden of Eden.´´Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?``Genesis 3:1


1.   DEMONS ARE NOT LIMITED BY SPACE. Spirit beings are not restricted by space. As one person can have diverse gifts, so can a person be filled with numerous demons. The madman of Gadara is a clear example of this.´Ánd he said, what is thy name? And he answered, saying, my name is Legion:for we are many.``Mark 5:9 .A legion means six thousand. It was possible for six thousand demons to dwell in an individual.

2.   DEMONS CAUSE CHANGES IN THE BEHAVIOUR OF AN INDIVIDUAL. How a person behaves changes when demonised. He begins to act differently as compared to before. A spiritual person must be able to deduce when certain actions of an individual changes and know how to help the person. A lady who does not see anything wrong in hopping from one man to the other is demonised because this not a normal behaviour. If all of a sudden your husband begins to have extra marital affairs, don´t think it is normal for men to cheat. You need to deal with the demon in the man. You need to deal with the demon that has started working against your job, making it difficult for you to make ends meet.´Ánd when he was come out of the ship,immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him,no, not even with chains:``Mark 5:2-3. There is no way a normal man with a sound mind will decide to leave his family and dwelling the cemetery. There is no way a man can resist the force of more than ten people or so if demons are not at work in him. The demons in the man changed his geographic location and gave him supernatural strength to even break chains put on him.

3.    DEMONS WILL ENTER THE BODY PROVIDED THERE IS AN OPENING. The only time for man to be vulnerable to demonic invasion is when he lives in sin. Sin is the only element that makes agreement with demons to inhabit a body. The devil knew this and that was why he could manipulate the destiny of the entire human race by influencing the woman to rebel against God. As a believer, you must always plead for the blood of the lamb. cover yourself with it and never allow the devil to manipulate your conscience. Demons always roam about seeking the opportunity to enter a body. They will capitalise on the least chance to inhabit  a place. Christ knew the manipulative power of the devil that was why He made sure that the devil never had a cause to enter His mind or body.  ´´…for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.``John 14:30. Demons will use your body as their home the moment you allow sin to stay in your body.

4.   DEMONS KNOW THEIR TIME IS SHORT. They are time bound and know that time is fast running. They cannot accomplish their mission unless they cause men to fall. As a result of this, demons are always working tirelessly to get a place to stay. ``When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, i will return into my house from whence i came out: and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. then goeth he, and teeth with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first…``Matthew 12:43-45

5.   DEMONS CAN DWELL IN INANIMATE OBJECTS. Though there are no biblical backings regarding scriptures for this, sessions of deliverance encounters i have witnessed have affirmed my belief that demons can dwell in inanimate objects. Clothes, beads, bracelets, scarfs etc just to mention a few can be possessed. The main aim is to transfer that tormenting demon into the life of the person who wears or uses these items or products. The modern era, full of sexual immorality and occultism in the highest order have exposed humanity to the use of demon-baptised products that affect the lives of users. There are always occultic paraphernalia used to manipulate the lives of others. Why is it that you feel sensual whenever you wear that necklace? There must be a reason.

You will become vulnerable as a christian the very moment you take things to be normal. We don´t live in a normal world so things will never be normal. It was not so from the beginning but so far as we are sojourners on this land, we will always face oppressions from the devil. It is never normal when after years of suffering in building a relationship, the other partner comes to say it is over. It is never normal when the promotion you are due for is always postponed. Do you think that it is normal as you keep on being disappointed all the time? What about several years of barrenness after marriage, though there is no medical defect? The moment you take things normal is the monet you lose the battle. No, i am not saying this to over- spiritualise things. neither am i saying this to hype the power of the devil. The reality aspect of this is that, you must not take things as normal, as David said to Eliab his brother, ``…is there not a cause?``1 Samuel 17:29. There is a reason for everything and the moment you take up the mantle to battle, that is the very moment that you will see results.


This is a question that is usually asked by all and sundry after knowing the truth However, the other truth is that you are more powerful than you can ever imagine. You need to know who you truly are before you can deal with the demons in your life. Do you want to know who you are?

1.   You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:21

2.   You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Philippians 4:13

3.   You have been given the power to tread over serpents and scorpions and all powers of the enemy. Luke 10:19

4.   Nothing can harm you in life. Luke 10:19

5.   No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17

6.   The enemy that comes in one way will always depart in seven ways.Deuteronomy 28:7

7.   Every mountain that stands before you will be turned into plains. Zechariah 4:7 

8.   You have the Spirit that raised christ in you. Romans 8:11

After knowing who you are, then you need to know the importance of prayer. Pray without ceasing. There is massive results in prayer as the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous man availeth much.James 5:16. You can overcome the devil through prayer and the word. What the devil is afraid of is the word of God. This was the main reason why Christ always said, ``For it is written.``The word of God loses the grip of demons in your life. When the light shines in darkness, there is total victory. John 1:5 Some things do not move by prayers alone, but through combination of prayers and fasting. Jesus Christ taught His disciples this principle of warfare and that changed their ministry forever. Matthew 17:14-21

There is power in prayer, however, sin is the only thing that blocks the effectiveness of your prayer. ``Behold, the Lord´s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your Gid, and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear.``Isaiah 59:1-2. Demons are real. That should not be a problem because you have the power to deal with them. 


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