Image result for fearThe greatest armed robber in life is not the one that holds a weapon at you physically to deprive you of your properties. The greatest armed robber is not the one who is caught by the police and sentenced to years of imprisonment. There is an element in our lives that steals our determination, capabilities and desire to do greater things. This armed robber is called fear.

You will meet him whenever you want to move on to the next level. He will parade in front of you, holding the weapon called  ''you will not make it.'' This weapon is always used to scare you from moving on. A lot of people who failed in certain aspects of life have been struck with this weapon. They are now afraid to move on in that relationship that did not work. They are scared to move on in the job that failed and are always petrified because of the fear of the unknown. ''What if i fail again'' is what they always say. My dear, the fact that you failed yesterday does not mean you will end up in that very shoes. Fear always prevents people from putting in their best. It will always make you feel you cannot make it. That is not a good sign for you in life.

There are a lot of goodies awaiting you but fear will always tell you, many people are in that venture already. There are a lot of opportunities awaiting you but fear will tell you, so far as you failed last time you will fail again. Many people are now scared of entering relationships because of their previous encounters. This is fear and it will always haunt you.

Fear is a demon, fear is like a scarecrow. It is not real. It is used as just a symbol to scare you from accessing greater heights. Imagine what would have happened if Bill Gates allowed fear to grip his vision. What about Nelson Mandela even when he was in prison? Your present location does not determine your future. You may not have it all but you need only a vision and a determined heart to make it.

If fear tells you today that you will fail, muster courage and tell him you will try. If you have tried and it did not work out, try again. If it still does not work, keep trying because there is no limitation on the number of times you have to try. Thomas Edison, after failing hundreds of times when inventing the electric bulb said, ''I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that won´t work.''

Never allow fear to have the greater part of you. You can get there even if none of your family members attained that height. You can break that status quo in the family if you don't allow fear to paralyse your innovations. Fear will tell you that the world will mock you when you fail, but when you even fail the first time, it will be a learning process for you to improve on your methods.

It is possible, you can make it. There is nothing new under the sun. Have faith, move on, try again and you will see that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Laugh at fear, mock him and let him know his rightful place in your life. You can make it. Yes, it can work again. Keep trying and keep working.

Everything you have ever wanted or dreamt of, is on the other side of fear. Do you want to overcome fear? Do the things you are afraid to do and keep on doing it, that is the surest way to conquer fear.


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