No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you need to prepare before you launch into the deep. Never approach a task, a venture, a business or anything without preparing for it. A lot of people have been broken down because they did not analyse what they were entering before it was too late. If you want to build, make estimate on the cost and the period you want to take to accomplish the job before you commence. Many people have become laughing stalks because they left their tasks in the middle of the way. Not that they were not powerful, not that they were not intelligent enough; but because they did not prepare for it. People wonder how great athletes make it in life and are rich. They talk about their cars,records, businesses and buildings but only few talk about the number of years and times these people prepared themselves before getting there.

For you to be great, you need preparation. You can only enjoy your relationship if you prepare for it. Weigh the cost, the weaknesses against the strengths and that will make you know whether you can make it through or not. Don´t be the man who will hurriedly jump into things without even knowing why you entered. Your greatness depends on how well you prepare yourself. A journey of thousand miles begin with a step, but that journey is worth going, when you prepare.

Preparation equips you with the energy to face the challenges along the way. Preparation motivates you never to give up. Preparation is the fuel that fans the flame of success. You cannot write a good book without preparing. You cannot pass that exams without due preparation. I don´t know what luck is, all i know is that it comes to those who prepare to meet it. Those who prepare adequately always have a certain kind of favour rubbing on them. 

Journey through history and you will realise that great men did not come out by just sitting down. Whiles people slept, they planned. Planning, alone, was not enough;they prepared. Preparation,alone, was not enough, they executed. Never fold your alms and think that door will open for you. Even if it does, how prepared are you to enter it? Don´t live your life on chances. If they do happen, you will always be a step ahead if you do prepare.

Have you heard of impulse buying or shopping? It is the act of buying whatever you see that you have not planned for. Imagine going for shopping and you don´t plan and budget regarding what you will buy. You will end up buying things you don´t even need. You will waste money on useless items and that is all connected to preparation.
´´But don´t begin until you count the cost.For who would begin the construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say,´there´s the person who started that building and could´t afford to finish it.``Luke 14 :28-30(NLT)


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