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Many people have tried doing something in life but have failed on several occasions. The countless failures they have encountered have relegated them to the starting point where they do not even have the courage to start over. Others try hard to make it, break the status quo, become the star they have ever dreamt of or even, be the icon they see always on the television. They have recorded several demos and none seem to be that hit single. They have gone to all the auditions and they are never picked though they have unique talents.

There are two categories of these people; some try to still work believing that one day their stars will shine whiles others feel discouraged, pack their bags and say goodbye to that dream. Hey, be the former and not the latter. There is still a chance for you if you don´t quit. Every rejection makes you better. Yes, it makes you improve upon your previous work. Never give up on yourself. You have worked so hard to quit this time. It is still possible to break the ice.

There are two people in this world; those who will discourage you because of what you have that they don´t and those who will always be happy that you have a unique gift. Be with the latter. Choose your associations correctly. You may not have it all in life. You may not be from the wealthy family as others, but you have something unique that can make you in life. You are your star, you are your inspiration, you are your jackpot.

You have in you that talent that the world is waiting for. There is this song that you always sing to yourself but the world is waiting for you to sing it on the airwaves. There is this movie that you must shoot for you to be that star. There is this book that you must write. There is this person that you must mentor in order to be great again. There is this dance move that you must bring. There is this recipe that you must discover.

Press on, never say never. The better days are yet to come. You can still do it. That break up was for you to make up. Lift yourself from the dirt and shame and embrace the next challenge. We are from different walks of life. You may not be from a wealthy family but you have a wealthy talent. When they turn you down, try again. When they say there is no room for you, make yourself a room. When they say you cannot be on that road, create one. I see you shining. Yes, your dream will surely come to pass.


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