Our understanding of religion will always make us remain where we are whiles they are always ahead of us. They brought us the bible, taught us about religion but we ended up knowing more in our eyes, than them. It is not that we know more about what they taught us ,for a servant can never be greater than his master (John 13:16);however, we have copied blindly to the extent that we want this concept of religion to put food on the table for us.

Why will we close our shops four days in a week and expect an increase, all in the name of , we are being more spiritual? Have we forgotten that a false balance is an abomination to God(Proverbs 11:1)? Why will we fold our arms without working and expect that our unceasing prayers will put food on the table? Have we forgotten that a hand that does not work must not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10)? We open our arms as a continent, always ready and willing to receive donations from the outside world, whiles we forget that there is much more blessing in giving than in receiving (Acts 20:35). More so, we forget that the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).

We have failed not as a country, but as a continent and not even as a continent but a race. The approach to religion has crippled us to the extent that we attribute everything to the spiritual realm. Yes, things don´t just happen and it is only a fool who says in his heart that the spiritual does´t exist (Psalms 14:1). Our problem is setting our priorities right. We will never come out from this darkness unless we know how to allocate our time. We will still be begging as a race unless we combine work with spirituality. The disciples were first called Christians because they behaved like Christ. He made his disciples work. It was not all of them that were in full time ministry, some were tent makers. He taught people to support those who dedicated themselves wholly to the gospel, by working. Paul became a tent maker at a point to support himself.

Let us behave like those from Berea, who not only heard the word, but went the extra mile of searching in the bible whether what they heard were true (Acts 17:11). We now follow whatever is preached without confirming them with the scriptures. We swallow the revelations of others, hook, line and sinker without analysing them with the scriptures. 

This is the dispensation of the prophetic ministry but that does not mean we must swallow every prophecy spoken by man. Why can´t i question a prophecy if my spirit does not agree to it? Have we forgotten that the spirit of the prophets are subjected to the prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32)? Why must prophecy bring fear in me whiles i know that prophecy is for edification, exaltation and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3)?

Before our congregation we are infallible, but in our houses, more than wolves. Double standards in the ascendancy all because of His great mercies. If He comes today, and yes today, you and I know that like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, it will be even difficult for Him to get ten.

Let us check our approach to religion. Let us not be blinded by some standards others have set. If our being poor as a continent is connected to our sins, then i think more crimes are committed by the outside world than us.They must be poor rather,instead of us. If a country is developed by only prayer, then i think every village will be full of sky scrapers. We have faith, yes i know, but where is our works? We will always be divided because of our over-ambitious desires and how insatiable we are for power. Power does not corrupt, however, the mentality behind that power does.

Do we need to pray as a nation, a continent and as a race? Yes we do, but those prayers will be nuisance to God if there are no pragmatic measures to change our mentalities. If we don´t change our approach to religion and work tediously to see the future we want as we pray, we will all die having dreams that remained as DREAMS. We always forget the first assignment He gave man after His creation (Genesis 2:15).

It is really sad, that the writer is now writing anything at all to make him famous, the preacher is fighting for popularity and the prophet wants the rest to know how powerful he is. It is really sad that we become the blind who leads the blind. Wisdom, we seek LORD,help us , we pray.


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