I believe you have read or heard a sermon on the famous Ecclesiastes 3. One thing you can get from this scripture is the essence of time. Time is a very valuable element in the life of humanity. Everything happens based on time. Pregnancy matures based on time. Trees bear their fruits according to the time and seasons. A lady even accepts a man´s proposal using the time factor. Whether he will accept your proposal instantly or not is based on time.
In life, everything takes time. Anything you see on the face of the planet that doesn’t take time loses its essence or importance. A pregnancy that does not stand the time required ends up developing complications. A marriage that does not take time to grow through the stages of relationship encounters levels of heartbreaks and disappointments. In the like manner, every blessing takes time.
You may have received prophecies, assurances, and everything to confirm your greatness. You may have seen them in dreams and visions. However, you have to know the concept of time. Time plays its role in your breakthrough. Time is the essential factor that separates the boys from the men. Time is used to determine how patient a person is. Time determines the level of endurance one has.
Joseph saw the visions regarding his greatness and how his entire family would pay obeisance to him. This never happened overnight; it took a very long time for that dream to become a reality. He was sold, as a slave, accused falsely and imprisoned. All those moments in time could have made him lose faith in his vision, but he understood the concept of time. David was anointed king even when Saul ruled as king. Saul tried everything possible to eliminate this young lad. David believed in the timings of God and did not slay Saul even when he got the chance. After the death of Saul, David still waited for the right time to be anointed King over entire Israel. Elisha was anointed to fit in the shoes of Elijah but he waited till his father in ministry left the scene before he accepted the mantle.
No matter who you are, you need to understand the concept of time if you want to make it in life. The lady who doesn’t give you an immediate answer to your proposal needs time for evaluation. If you enter a relationship based on feelings alone, you will be heading towards your doom. You need time to analyze the person, his or her background and everything connected to him or her before you make your choice. If you are in a hurry to enter a business you know little about, you will be preparing for your bankruptcy. Take time and know every little detail concerning the venture before you stick your neck and body into it.
The master told the servants to allow the wheat to grow with the tares, until the time of harvest. Time will always expose the fake people in your life. Those who pretend to be with you whiles they oppose you behind the scenes will be known based on time. Don´t be in a hurry to entrust your possession, confidence, faith etc in people. Allow the test of time to prove their worth.
Everything takes time, including growth. The growth of business takes time. The growth of ministry takes time. Success does not spring up overnight. Allow the test of time to be your guide. Never rush the process. Babies desire milk to grow. A time comes when the milk is changed to meat, then to bones. That is termed development or growth. Trust the process, don´t put unnecessary pressure on your self. Allow the concept of time to have its way, whiles you work harder and you will never regret.


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