Image may contain: 1 personWe are always inspired whenever we read scriptures and other books on faith. Our faith in God and in ourselves are always lifted when we reminisce about how Sampson killed a lion, David slayed Goliath, Daniel survived in the lion's den etc. With this kind of faith attained, we tend to believe in the supernatural more and in fact, it really helps us. Faith is all we need to survive in this era. However, faith is not enough. You do not have to rely only on faith. Hebrews 11 clearly describes how men in history used faith to achieve results. Was Enoch translated because he just believed in God? Did he not add living a holy life to the belief? Did Noah save his family and the rest of the world just by believing that God will destroy the earth with rain? Did he not work it out by building an ark?Did Sarah and Abraham just believe that God will bless them with a child? Did they not have sex as the working aspect of the faith they had?

We are told in scriptures that faith without works is dead. James 2:17. Most believers in this generation are moved by the believing aspect of the scriptures. In fact that is the easiest part, but the most difficult aspect, which is the working aspect,we ignore. Yes, Abraham in Genesis 15: 6 believed in God and it was counted to him for righteousness. Abraham did two things. Firstly he obeyed God and believed in Him that even if he sacrificed Isaac, God was still able to raise him. Secondly, he acted upon this faith and tried killing the boy for sacrifice. That was the work part of this. David believed that he could kill Goliath and he proceeded to accomplish the second phase, which was moving forward to fight the giant. The Israelites believed in 2 Chronicles 20:22, that their praises could defeat their enemies when they believed in what Jehoshaphat told them.

From these scenarios your guess is as good as mine when you are asked," would they have achieved their respective results if they did not work the faith out?" Of course not. We need to work on our faith when we receive that prophecy of prosperity. We need to work it out when we receive the prophecy that we will have good and enjoyable marriages The earth is rich with nutrients. However, everything you plant on it will die if you don't clear the weeds from the seeds you plant. The devil even believes that there is God, therefore your believing alone in God is not enough. James 2:19.

The youth of today believe in this fantasy that even if they do not work, God will supernaturally give them good grades. This is a deceptive tool the devil uses to mock believers in the church. You will end up seeing unbelievers excelling in their exams whiles the children of promise fail. The working aspect is for you to burn both ends of the candle as you prepare for the exam. Do not use church as an excuse. Some ladies believe that God will supernaturally turn things around in their marriages just because they believe in Him and they are even the ushers at church and give huge offerings. My dear, all those services are good, but are you working out your marriage? Do you still dress anyhow and leave your hair unkempt when you are with your husband? Do you still cook tasteless foods for him? Do you still nag in the house? Work these out and add to your faith. How do you expect to be employed if you have not availed yourself to people and written applications to places? How will you be employed if you don't let people see your efforts and then recommend you? You will keep on believing and believing and you will see those who are making the efforts excel. This is wisdom.
" I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth." Ecclesiastes 10:7. This is what happen when you just have faith but do not add the works. Never blame God, don't blame the prophet of God. Blame yourself that you did not apply wisdom to that prophecy

Faith is not enough. You need to add other ingredients before the meal called miracle will be ready and served.
"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity" 2 Peter 1:5-7. The more you hear, the more you have the faith, the more you don't work on the faith, the more you fail. A lot of people received prophecies of greatness but they died as paupers. Prophecy is very good, but you will never see the manifestation if you don't work it out. This is a strong meat  and not milk.



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