Image result for the praying womanWe see them as the weaker vessels in God's creation. In time past, they were not permitted to even talk or teach in the church. Our forefathers relegated them to be in the kitchen and even deprived them education. Little did we know that they carry a very strong connection with their maker, that makes them unique among creation.

Everything that is fragile is mostly taken care of with caution. The way you will handle a diamond glass is different from how you will handle a wooden mug. Right from creation God has imputed greater honor unto the woman and this honor can be of greater benefit if the woman channels it into prayer,

From the beginning, the power of the woman was exhibited in the garden, when she used her influence to lure man to sin. That power and influence they carry have brought gains to those who have realized and utilized it. Hannah capitalized on this power and prayed till her barrenness ended. Esther knew the grace she had before God as a woman and prayed till an entire nation was saved from the treacheries of  a racist. Anna, the prophetess was determined to see the Messiah before she died and that was answered because of her position as a woman.

In 1 Corinthians 12:23, greater honor is given to the parts we think are less honorable. The woman in the earlier church was considered less honorable and depended on her husband for teaching. She was not even allowed to speak in the church.She needed to speak through her husband any time she had an idea. This is not so in the church of today.

A woman of prayer is a great asset to her husband and family. The family is protected by the prayers of the woman. If women of today will let go of the cares of the world and channel more energy into prayers, all things surrounding them will have a divine touch. If periods used to gossip, insult, execute unholy gains is channeled into prayer, there will be a sweet fragrance from above. The woman carries the seed of creation. Every life begins with the woman. Jesus Christ had a great connection with His mother because she was the vessel to harbor the miracle. The first miracle of Jesus Christ was influenced by a woman.Jesus Christ emphatically stated that His time was not yet up, but the power of the praying woman could make Him grant her request.

Nothing is beyond the reach of the praying woman. When women pray, miracles happen. Hannah did not discuss her issue with others. She did not sell herself to friends. She channeled her grief into prayers and she received her breakthrough. There is nowhere in the Bible that states that barrenness is normal. If you are expecting the fruit of the womb, pray. Esther did not sleep when she found out that some people wanted to destroy her family and kindred. She knew that the only way for him to win that battle was through prayer.

It takes a woman of prayer to give good and godly counsel to her husband or  leader. Abigail advised David to leave vengeance in the hands of God and avoid soiling his hands with blood. 1 Samuel 25:30-33. It took the wisdom of the Shunammite woman to advise the husband and add a room to the prophet. This moved the prophet to grant the request of the woman.2 Kings 4:9-10. It took the wise counsel of a praying woman of Abel-bethmaach to prevent Joel from destroying the city.2 Samuel 20:16-21. Deborah reminded Barak of God's promise to Israel and inspired Barak to lead the Israelites into victory.Judges 4:6-7. Lois and Eunice brought up Timothy to fear God and do greater things for God because of their influence as praying women.2 Timothy 1:5.

The praying woman is always brave to battle things in the spirit. She never accepts defeat when all things don't even look well. They don't quit till they see results. Every lady should endeavor to be a praying woman.Through them, things will take shape in the lives of humanity. Let us learn from Ruth, Priscilla, Deborah, Esther, Hannah, Abigail, Mary, Elizabeth, Mary of Magdala and their likes.

"I go on my knees and lift up my hands.
To God alone, He will break my bands.
Never will i discuss my issues with friends
For they will mock me when the news trends
He can and He will do
The only God who makes all things cool
I am a warrior and i fight
Through prayer,i make heavy loads light
Never will i back down in battle
To ride in prayer, my faith being my saddle
I can change things around
I can make greater glories abound
To the enemy, i will never succumb
For a praying woman, I am."
                                               Cosmos Asamoah


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