Irrespective of the degrees you hold in life, there is always this time in your life when your degrees seem irrelevant and will not be able to fetch you this job i am about to talk about. People cherish, class, family background, public recognition and all that but do you recall that none of these items mattered the first time you saw her?

You saw a very beautiful, adorable, fun- to- be with, elegant and sweet-looking damsel, whose beauty beamed like the sun´s radiance and her laughter pierced your heart like a golden arrow shot from a diamond quiver. Not even a second did you think that there would ever be a misunderstanding between the two of you in the days to come. Your libidos heightened and covered the 100 metres race track even faster than Usain Bolt. You could answer any quantum physics question within a blink of the eye. Then all these feelings aggravated to the extent which you felt this one thing, LOVE.

Like seriously, you thought you were in love the first time you saw her, but along the line, you saw a different person who made you reminisce those same feelings or even more. This should tell you that love is not based on feelings or emotions. It does not come about as a result of what you see or hear. Love is purely a decision.

Throughout life, as boys become men, we learn a lot from the experiences of the past. The moment you still find difficulties in making your choice, it is a sign that you have not yet arrived. Many ladies find it difficult to understand why the guy changed all of a sudden. " Why is it that he has stopped saying all those sweet words? Why has he stopped being the jovial gentleman i used to know?" My dear, all is because that "love" was based on the feelings and feelings or emotions are always time-bound, they change depending on the environment and circumstances. You will always be disappointed when your love is based on feelings. It is a decision for you to make to love.

Imagine how the earth will be if God bases His love towards us on feelings. The reason why that man has been able to live with his wife for twenty years, that has caught the admiration of all is not because of emotions. They have seen it all in life. You will be surprised that they now even live as siblings. What keeps them going is that decision called love.

When you first meet him or her, the feelings will occupy your mind. You will be moved to quickly make up your mind to be with that person . Whatever he or she does will always bring humour. However, you must know that love is not determined at the excitement stage of every relationship.
 Correct this erroneous thoughts of love based on feelings and know that you must decide to love and not feel to love.

Every woman looks out for certain traits in the man they want to be engaged to and later marry. These are things mothers always advise daughters on and these are passed on from generation to generation. The mother who suffered in the hands of a jobless man will always want the daughter to be engaged to someone with a job. Women who suffered in marriage to a man without humour and void of social life will detest her daughter getting married to a similar man. Ladies look out for various things in the life of the future partner and this book will guide you in this course of knowing what she wants. COMING OUT SOON....


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