Image result for prayerThe institution of prayer was established so that believers will always have a constant connection to their maker. Through this medium, we channel our grievances and predicaments to Him with the expectation that He attends to our needs. So far as we live in a world where there is always issues to deal with, God admonishes us to, ´´pray without ceasing`` 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Prayer meetings in churches, along the beach, on fields etc have increased over the past years, all being attributed to the fact that the end is near. Day-in-day-out there is the discovery of a new disease, a new problem,widespread news of war etc. We hear of economic crunch, inflation and a whole lot that always trigger man to be on his knees. Men are praying, but why is it that few receive answers to their prayers whiles many encounter delays?

When your prayers are delayed, it does not mean God is not capable of solving that issue for you. Neither does it mean that you are not in a powerful of holy Spirit- filled church. Believers need to know why prayers at times delay.

´´Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.``2 Timothy 2:18. 
How many of you will always take a friend who only comes to you when he is in need, serious? As human as we are, we will not even bother ourselves with that person after we help him for few times. However, God is not like man. He attends to us whenever we call, that is why He instructs us to call on him and he will answer us. Meanwhile, many Christians forget to realise that God knows His own. yes, God know those who are for Him. These are those who have accepted Him as their Lord. He will listen to them and attend to their needs whenever they call. Those who are for God don´t live in sin. They may falter at times, but they quickly realise their faults and repent of their sins. If you have the habit of only going before God when you have issues, it is a sign that you don´t have a good connection with Him. It must be a habit of always communicating to him. It is a relationship;the more you communicate, the stronger the bond. 

Those who continually live in sin always get disappointed when they pray. This is because they don´t have a relationship with God. You can never live in sin and claim God is your master, because you already have a master.As God knows His own, so does the world.
´´Behold, the Lord´s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save;neither is his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:But your iniquities have separated between you and your god, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.``Isaiah 59:1-2. Check yourself and be truthful to yourself. You will really know why there are delays to your prayers being answered.

´´But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.``James 1:6-7. Doubt or unbelief cancels every prayer said. It will be a waste of time if you don´t believe in your prayers. Why do you even pray if you don´t have faith in it? You may think it is impossible, but that is the truth. There are people who see the boisterous winds and the magnitude of the situation, and only see prayer to be a formality. 

If you don´t believe in your prayers, don´t even say it anyway. Your lack of faith in the prayers said, cancels the petition. Before God, it appears as a blank sheet. Imagine what happens when you present blank sheets to your examiner? Whatever you believe in works for you. If you believe in a river god, it will work for you because you have total trust in it. If you believe in God, you have to have total trust in Him. People only believe because they see and that is a sign that they don´t have faith. faith is believing in what you have not seen, but having the assurance that you will receive.

´´Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts``James 4:3. 
The fact that you pray for twelve hours does not mean you will receive answers even when you pray in faith. A lot of people pray for hours and days but do not receive answers to their prayers because they pray amiss. You pray amiss when your prayer is a selfish one, meant to benefit only you and not others. 

You pray amiss when you pray for things that will just satisfy your lustful intents. You pray amiss when you don´t pray the mind of God. When you do not pray the will of God, never expect answers to your prayers. God has given you the audacity to have choices but always know this truth; the will of God will always stand. Your prayers will be weighed in accordance with the will of God for your life.´´There are many devices in a man´s heart;nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand`` Proverbs 19:21. if you do not know what to pray for when you go before god, the best prayer is to pray in the holy spirit. ´´Likewise, the spirit helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.``Romans 8:26

´´Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.``Hebrews 11:1. Faith is an element that grows. A lot of people enjoy the period when they got converted because they easily received what they asked from God. Many at times, they ended up even receiving what they just thought of but never asked. This is the baby stage in Christianity. Like the baby, your parents do everything for you. All you care about is to wake up; you don´t think of what to eat, or drink or even wear. That is the same in Christianity. The moment you get born again is the period you enjoy. However,as you grow, you don’t need milk anymore. you are now trained with strong meat and bones. This is where your faith is tested. You now pray for three hours and you see nothing. It is not that God does not hear, but little will you know that you are passing through a period of maturity. Answers to prayers are at times delayed to test your faith. Will you still serve God if you don´t get what you prayed for? Will you still live that holy life and suffer whiles your colleagues are enjoying in their promiscuous living? When your faith is tested, it is a sign that a bigger door is about to open. This is the time people will say all manner of things against you. Whiles others will doubt your believe, some will also mock you. However, know that you will emerge victorious if you don´t give up. 

Some people easily give up when after some days of prayer, they do not see any results. Others end up doubting the existence of God ands His sovereignty. You will hear people asking,´´Does God really exist? If there is truly a God then why is he deaf to my plea?``Yes, God really exist and His nature as God will never change even if you stop praying to Him. You need God than He needs you. There is a beautiful end so far as you endure. ´´That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ``1 Peter 1:7

Nothing comes easily in life. You need to develop the resilience of praying until something happens. You will see signs in your life when you are in tune with the spirit. Prayer works. God is willing to answer your prayers but are you in the position of receiving them?


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