Where you stand and see failure, others stand to see success. Where you stand and see ill health, people stand to see good health. Where you stand and see turbulence, others see peace. Where you stand and see disappointments, others witness divine appointments. Where you see impossibilities, others see opportunities. Where you stand is not the problem; what you tell yourself, is rather the problem.

Two men went on a sail across a great ocean with their boats. In the middle of their journey, there was a great storm. One knelt and said his last prayers because he thought that was the end. The other hurriedly fastened all ropes and tried to conn the ship. He saw that in the midst of adversity, the ship will attain maximum speed for the sail. Two ladies were disappointed by two men at the same time. One decided not to fall in love again while the other learnt from her mistakes, took up the disappointment, worked on herself and moved on for the next opportunity. The economic crises that made one quit from that business made the other stronger and he is still enjoying after that setback.

There is more to life than giving up at the slightest setback. We may all be given the same platform, however, how we handle setbacks will define who we really are. Are you going through serious moments in life? Are you at the peak of giving up? Do you want to throw in the towel? When you are ready to do so, just remember that you are not alone. The problem that does not kill you will make you stronger.  Where you are standing is not the problem; the problem is how you interpret the circumstances you face. You are a failure not when people say you are, but when you accept that you are. Who and what you are today is dependent on personal acknowledgment rather than a public declaration.

What you see as a problem, someone will see it as a challenge. The end of the road to you is perceived by another as the beginning of the road. Many people are depressed in life because they keep on worrying about things they don't have control over. Believe in yourself, be positive and always know that there is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Irrespective of how dark the tunnel is, you don't need the entire Akosombo dam to generate electricity for you; what you need is a tiny match stick. Be positive.


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