
Showing posts from March, 2017


A lot of people get to the point where they think they are in love. All things look joyous and sweet and they always feel like living in a wonderland. Then all of a sudden, reality sets in and things begin to crumble. Their fairy tale turns into a horror movie They later realize that what they fell in love with were just out of convenience but not out of love. A lady approached me and narrated her story. She said, " I met this caring gentleman, who always spent time with me. There was not a single day that he did not respond to my call when i needed him. I felt loved and thought he was the one because he spoke my love language to me in an extraordinary fashion. Hmm, that was when i was having issues with my guy." Another friend of mine told me his story, " She was always there for me when i wanted sex. She made me feel on top of the world because he really gave me satisfaction. In fact, i thought i was in love." What these people failed to realize was that,


We see them as the weaker vessels in God's creation. In time past, they were not permitted to even talk or teach in the church. Our forefathers relegated them to be in the kitchen and even deprived them education. Little did we know that they carry a very strong connection with their maker, that makes them unique among creation. Everything that is fragile is mostly taken care of with caution. The way you will handle a diamond glass is different from how you will handle a wooden mug. Right from creation God has imputed greater honor unto the woman and this honor can be of greater benefit if the woman channels it into prayer, From the beginning, the power of the woman was exhibited in the garden, when she used her influence to lure man to sin. That power and influence they carry have brought gains to those who have realized and utilized it. Hannah capitalized on this power and prayed till her barrenness ended. Esther knew the grace she had before God as a woman and prayed till a


We are always inspired whenever we read scriptures and other books on faith. Our faith in God and in ourselves are always lifted when we reminisce about how Sampson killed a lion, David slayed Goliath, Daniel survived in the lion's den etc. With this kind of faith attained, we tend to believe in the supernatural more and in fact, it really helps us. Faith is all we need to survive in this era. However, faith is not enough. You do not have to rely only on faith. Hebrews 11 clearly describes how men in history used faith to achieve results. Was Enoch translated because he just believed in God? Did he not add living a holy life to the belief? Did Noah save his family and the rest of the world just by believing that God will destroy the earth with rain? Did he not work it out by building an ark?Did Sarah and Abraham just believe that God will bless them with a child? Did they not have sex as the working aspect of the faith they had? We are told in scriptures that faith without


Out of the man she came forth, in the garden of eden she began her course, for the desire of wisdom she revealed her flaws. The world has been blessed with an elite sect that have propelled many to pedestals of greatness. Nations have been blessed by their presence and involvement in issues regarding nation building and they are still contributing their quota. In all walks of life they dominate. Along the principal streets, in the market place, at the malls and offices, there is not a single day without meeting them. They add colour to everything they touch, bring back life to the dying and have a well of humour to add up to your day. On the streets, i hear the `kayaye`(porter) running after the woman who has just finished buying her merchandise. As she carries her little boy at her back, all she prays is to make some penny. In the hot-scorching sun, she gives way for the kid to suck some milk from the empty breast. All she knows is that one day this boy will be able to have a posit


I walked towards him, as he sat on the bench under the tree. He was very downhearted and looked gloomy. He had not even touched the bottle of coca cola that he bought an hour ago and was absent-minded as i approached him. "Steve, is everything alright? " i asked. He sighed and said, " I swept all the awards on the day of my graduation. I was tipped for greatness.I have the best life can offer, name it, a sleek BMW 7 series, a four bedroom apartment at Trassaco, a loving and adorable wife who has given me two wonderful boys. I am still not happy." He wiped his tears briefly. " I still feel that there is something more to life. There is something i am missing. I feel emptiness within me and i do not know what to do to fill that space. If happiness is all about money, fame and reputation, i have them all.Why is it that i can´t still be happy?" We spoke at length and as i consoled him and walked him to his car, i realised that there is something that is eatin


                                                                            Dear Mercedes,              The joy that filled my heart as Darwin walked you down the aisle was aggrandised by your smiles and i knew the moment i finished my background study on you that you are indeed the better half of my son. We spoke at length the eve to your wedding. As i spoke to you, i saw the joy in your eyes and how you nodded affirmatively to whatever i said. Now, the music has ceased from playing, the seats have been packed, friends and families have driven home, well-wishers are reminiscing over your wedding and all is over. Now that you are legally married to my son, it is possible you will feel in charge and will end up forgetting everything i told you,because you are the boss now. I will therefore write few things i left out so that you will know how to deal with me, my dearest.            Mercedes, always remember that Darwin is from a family. I have been his mother for 28years an